The icon gives an
alphabetical listing of terms.
Enter your search term in the Freetext
field if you
want to search in all fields. If you want to search in a specific field, please
see the List of database fields and the examples below.
The keywords and search terms of different fields can be combined with AND or OR.
Use the $ character as wildcard.
The records of the hit list are sorted by the date when the decision was rendered (descending order).
Click on Search to submit the query.
The result list shows 20 records at a time. Click on
to get the following page, and on
to get the previous page.
Following abbreviations for international human rights conventions and documents are used in DOMBASE
CAT Convention against Torture CCPR Covenant on Civil and Political Rights CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CERD Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination CESCR Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child ECHR European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ECHRP-1 Protocol No. 1 to the ECHR ECHRP-4 Protocol No. 4 to the ECHR ECHRP-6 Protocol No. 6 to the ECHR ECHRP-7 Protocol No. 7 to the ECHR ESC European Social Charter UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Examples of combined searches in the Freetext field:
1. Decisions of a specific court made in a specific year or before or after a specific year:
Supreme Court and RD=1996
Insurance Court and RD<1991
Turku Court of Appeal and RD>1999
2. Decisions of any court of appeal made in 1999
JUD_BODY=court of appeal and RD=1999
3. Decisions of a specific court or selected courts referring to a specific article in a human rights convention or to a specific Act of Parliament:
Supreme Court and ECHR-8
Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court and ECHRP-1-1
JUD_BODY=court of appeal and PROVISION_ENG=Penal Code