[Institute for Human Rights] [Search tips] [På svenska]

Searching the Findoc database

A reference database of literature on human rights

NOTE! Please use the freetext field when you make a search on author or title!

Author: [Index]
Publication year:
Keyword: [Index]

Combine the search terms with Sort order:

Please make a search on the "news lists" in the following way using the freetext field:

entry>20010501 (references added to the database after the 1 of May 2001)
entry=20010502 (references added to the database on the 2 of May 2001)

Using the field for publication year:

>1999 (material added to the database published after 1999)
=2000 (material added to the database published during 2000)

Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University