31. | Scheinin, Martin (ed.) : Oikeus kieltäytyä sotilaskäskyistä , 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Oikeus kieltäytyä sotilaskäskyistä / Scheinin, Martin (ed.) ; Tarvainen, Kirsi , 8, 150 p.. - Helsinki : Suomen Rauhanliitto - YK-yhdistys ry; Juristit rauhan ja eloonjäämisen puolesta ry, 1991. ISBN 952 90 3229 3 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / United Kingdom / Romania / Uruguay / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Contents: 1.Gunnar Rosen: Geneven yleissopimukset ja oikeus kieltäytyä sotilaskäskyistä 2.Jukka Lindstedt: Suomi, toinen maailmansota ja oikeus kieltäytyä sotilaspalveluksesta ja sotilaallisista käskyistä 3.Hans Göran Franck: Kysymyksiä yksilön vastuusta Vietnamin sodassa 4.Meindert J.F.Stelling: Ilmoittaminen kieltäytymisestä täyttää ydinaseiden käyttöön liittyviä käskyjä 5. Edison Arrarte: Kieltäytyminen osallistumasta kidutukseen 6.Victor Stanculescu: Armeijan kieltäytyminen ampumasta omia kansalaisia - Romanian tapahtumat joulukuussa 1989 7.Matjev Shaposnikov: Kieltäytyminen ampumasta lakkolaisia 8. Doron Vilner: Kieltäytyminen palvelemasta miehitetyillä alueilla 9.Iain Cameron: Tapaus Arrowsmith 10.Martin Stengel: Kieltäytyminen ehdottomasta sotilasvalasta 11.Jussi Hautamäki: Sodan oikeussääntöjen opettaminen Suomen puolustusvoimissa 12.Francis A.Boyle: Nurnbergin periaatteiden käyttö syytetyn puolustuksessa 13. Martin Scheinin: Omatunto ja kieltäytyminen 14.Allan Rosas: Humanitaarinen oikeus nyt ja tulevaisuudessa LIBRARY LOCATION: Allan's book |
32. | Bacque, James : Other losses, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Other losses : an investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War II / Bacque, James, 21, 248 p.. - Toronto : Stoddard, 1989. ISBN 0 7737 2269 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / France / Germany : 6357 / 8223 NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva Conventions; |
33. | Orlow, Dietrich : Comments on Weisberg's "Avoiding Central Realities and Richards' "Terror and the law", 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Comments on Weisberg's "Avoiding Central Realities and Richards' "Terror and the law" / Orlow, Dietrich REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : No. 5(2)., p. 185-190. - Baltimore, Maryland : The John Hopkins U.P., 1983. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
34. | Richards, David A. J. : Terror and the law, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Terror and the law / Richards, David A. J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : No. 5(2)., p. 171-185. - Baltimore, Maryland : The John Hopkins U.P., 1983. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
35. | Hannikainen, Lauri : Implementing humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts , 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Implementing humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts : the case of Finland / Hannikainen, Lauri ; Hanski, Raija ; Rosas, Allan, ix, 179 p. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1992. ISBN 0 7923 1611 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Refugee convention; CAT; ECHR; Hague conventions; ICCPR; ICESCR; ESC |
36. | Hannikainen, Lauri : Implementing of international humanitarian law in Finnish law, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Implementing of international humanitarian law in Finnish law / Hannikainen, Lauri REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Implementing humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts : the case of Finland / Hannikainen, L.; Hanski, R.; Rosas, A. (eds.), p. 114-145. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1992. ISBN 0 7923 1611 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; ICCPR; ECHR; Paris Peace Treaty; CAT; |
37. | Jackson, Robert H. : Quasi-states: sovereignty, international relations, and the third world, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Quasi-states: sovereignty, international relations, and the third world / Jackson, Robert H. - (Cambridge studies in international relations ; No. 12), x, 225 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U.P., 1990. ISBN 0521 35310 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; UN charter; |
38. | Brody, Reed : Commentary on the draft UN "Declaration on the protection of all persons from enforced or voluntary disappearances", 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Commentary on the draft UN "Declaration on the protection of all persons from enforced or voluntary disappearances" / Brody, Reed REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights (NQHR) : No. 8., p. 381-394. - Utrecht : SIM / Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, 1990. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
39. | Green, Leslie : The intersection of human rights and international criminal law, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The intersection of human rights and international criminal law / Green, Leslie REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The Finnish yearbook of international law : vol. II (1991) / Pellonpää, M. (ed.) - (FYBIL ; No. 2), p. 153-196. - Helsinki : Ius Gentium r.y., 1991. - ISSN 0788-4397 ISBN 951 95 253 43 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention; apartheid convention |
40. | Wiederin, Ewald : Nationalsozialistische Wiederbetätigung, Wahlrecht und Grenzen verfassungskonformer Auslegung, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Nationalsozialistische Wiederbetätigung, Wahlrecht und Grenzen verfassungskonformer Auslegung / Wiederin, Ewald REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift (EuGRZ) : No. 14(7)., p. 137-147. - Kehl am Rhein; N.P.Engel Verlag, 1987. - ISSN 0341-9800 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: South America / Central America / Americas |
41. | G. J. Z. : Whitewashing the nazis, 1982 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Whitewashing the nazis / G. J. Z. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Public law, p. 511-. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1982. - ISSN 0033-3565 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany : 8225 LIBRARY LOCATION: At the Finnish University of Turku |
42. | Cassese, Antonio : Human rights in a changing world (T), 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in a changing world (T) / Cassese, Antonio. - rev.., 245 p.. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 1990. ISBN 0 7456 0723 3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; UN charter; ICCPR-OP; ICESCR; ICCPR; ECHR; Geneva conventions; ECPT; ESC; ACHPR; AMR; ADRD, Genocide convention |
43. | The powers and the persecuted, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The powers and the persecuted : the refugee problem and the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (IGCR), 1938-1947 / - (Lund studies in international history ; No. 26), 260 p.. - Lund : Lund U.P., 1991. - ISSN 0076-1494 ISBN 91 7866 155 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / USA / Eastern Europe NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention and the protocol |
44. | Meschenrectsschutz in Europa, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Meschenrectsschutz in Europa / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Des Menschen Recht zwischen Freiheit und Verantwortung : Festschrift fur Karl Josef Partsch zum 75. Geburtstag / Jekewitz, J. (ed.) - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1989. ISBN 3 428 06672 3 LANGUAGE: GER ABSTRACT: The articles are: . 1.Entschädigung fur Verletzungen von Grundrechten / von Jochen Abr.Frowein. p. 317-326. 2.Vier Glossen zur Einheitlichen Europäischen Akte / von Hans Peter Ipsen p. 327-342. 3.Die Menschenrechte im klassischen europäischen Völkerrächt.Uber Fruhe An- sätze zur Internationalisierung des Menschenrechtsschutzes / von Horst Risse p. 343-356. 4.Die deutschen Bundesländer und die Europäischen Gemeinschaften nach der Ein- heitlichen Europäischen Akte / von Walter Rudolf p. 357-378. INDEX WORDS:
45. | Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. : Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law, 1981-1982, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law, 1981-1982 / Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands yearbook of international law : No. 14., p. 375-435. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1983. - ISSN 0167-6768 ISBN 90 247 2916 5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: The Netherlands : 8238 NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR-26; ESC-11 LIBRARY LOCATION: At the Finnish University of Turku |
46. | Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. : Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law, 1980-1981, 1982 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law, 1980-1981 / Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands yearbook of international law : No. 8., p. 321-415. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1982. - ISSN 0167-6768 ISBN 90 247 2916 5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: The Netherlands : 8238 NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ICCPR LIBRARY LOCATION: At the Finnish University of Turku |
47. | United Nations action in the field of human rights., 1974 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph United Nations action in the field of human rights. /, xiv, 212 p.. - New York : United Nations, 1974. LANGUAGE: ENG DOCUMENT SYMBOL: E.74.XIV.2 INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Universal declaration of human rights, 1948-1973UDHR; UN charter; ICCPR; ICESCR-OP; CERD; Convention on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance; LIBRARY LOCATION: UN library |
48. | United Nations Action in the field of human rights., 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph United Nations Action in the field of human rights. / ; United Nations, xviii, 359 p.. - Geneva : Centre for Human Rights, 1988. ISBN 92 1 154067 4 LANGUAGE: ENG DOCUMENT SYMBOL: E.88.XIV.2 INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): On the front page : 40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. CEDAW; ICCPR; LIBRARY LOCATION: UN library / The Institute |
49. | Lambert, Joseph J. : Terrorism and hostages in international law, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Terrorism and hostages in international law : a commentary on the hostages convention 1979 / Lambert, Joseph J., xxxv, 418 p.. - Cambridge : Grotius publ., 1990. ISBN 0 949009 46 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): International convention against the taking of hostages; UDHR; ICCPR; Geneva conventions; Refugee convention;Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; UN charter; Genocide convention; Hague conventions; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
50. | Bass, Gary Jonathan : Stay the hand of vengeance, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Stay the hand of vengeance : the politics of war crimes tribunals / Bass, Gary Jonathan - (Princeton studies in international history and politics), 402 p.. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton U.P., 2000. ISBN 0-691-04922-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Dayton peace agreement; Genocide convention; IMT charter; Nuremburg charter; |
51. | Encyclopedia of public international law, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Encyclopedia of public international law : 8 : human rights and the individual in international law : international economic relations /, 551 p.. - Amsterdam : North-Holland publ. comp., 1985. ISBN 0 444 87911 0 INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Charter of economic rights and duties; ECHR; AMR; ACHPR; UDHR;ESC LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR |
52. | Broms, Bengt : The United Nations, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The United Nations / Broms, Bengt - (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia ; No. 257), xii, 912 p.. - Helsinki : Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1990. - ISSN 0066-2011 ISBN 951 41 0631 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UDHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; ICCPR-OP; Genocide convention; CERD; Declaration on the rights of the child; |
53. | Frankel, Marvin E. : Out of the shadows of night , 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Out of the shadows of night : the struggle for international human rights / Frankel, Marvin E. ; Saideman, Ellen, 257 p.. - New York : Delacorte Press, 1989. ISBN 0 385 29820 X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USSR : 6357 / 8150 NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; CERD; Genocide convention |
54. | Carey, John : UN protection of civil and political rights, 1971 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph UN protection of civil and political rights / Carey, John. - 2nd. pr.., 12,205 p.. - New York : Syracuse U.P., 1971. ISBN 0 8156 2146 9 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ADRD; UDHR; CDE; CERD; Genocide convention; ICCPR; ICESCR; ECHR; Declaration of the child; Nuremberg charter; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
55. | Cohen, Sheldon M. : Arms and judgment, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Arms and judgment : law, morality and the conduct of war in the twentieth century / Cohen, Sheldon M., 13, 226 p.. - Boulder : Westview Press, 1989. ISBN 0 8133 0702 3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Hague conventions; Geneva conventions; BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bibliography |
56. | Human rights documents, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights documents / - (International documents: Polish bibliography ; No.1), 200 p.. - Ossolinskich : Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of State and Law; Human Rights Scientific Documentation and Information Centre, 1989. ISBN 83 04 02934 0 LANGUAGE: POL, ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Poland : 8141 NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UDHR; ICESCR; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; Genocide convention BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bibliography |
57. | Green, Leslie : Canadian law, war crimes and crimes against humanity, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Canadian law, war crimes and crimes against humanity / Green, Leslie REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: British year book of international law 1988 : no. 59. - p. 217-236 - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1989. ISBN 0 19 825408 3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms |
58. | Weiss, Friedl : The limits for the prosecution of crimes against international law, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The limits for the prosecution of crimes against international law / Weiss, Friedl REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: British year book of international law 1982 ; no. 53, p.163-196. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1983. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Nuremberg charter; Genocide convention; |
59. | Dinstein, Yoram : War, aggression and self-defence, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War, aggression and self-defence / Dinstein, Yoram, 30, 292 p.. - Cambridge : Grotius, 1988. ISBN 0 949 009 15 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
60. | Clark, Roger S. : Crimes against humanity, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Crimes against humanity / Clark, Roger S. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The Nuremberg trial and international law / Ginsburg, G.; Kudriatsev, V. N. (eds.). - p. 172-212 - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1990. ISBN 0 7923 0798 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany : 8225 NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention; UN charter; |