31. | McNair, Lord : The law of treaties, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The law of treaties / McNair, Lord. - repr.., xxi, 789 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1998. ISBN 0-19-825152-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Alaska / Australia / belgium / Cyprus / Ceylon / France / Greenland / Denmark / India / Israel / Ireland / Iraq / Ionian Islands / Jordan / Malaya / Newfoundland / New Zealand / Nigeria / South Africa / Pakistan / United Kingdom / Singapore / Switzerland / Suez Canal / South Africa / USA LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Covenant of League of Nations; Ihlen declaration; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Hague conventions; Magna carta; Atlantic charter; |
32. | Weston, Burns : International law and world order, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebook / Weston, Burns ; Falk, Richard ; Charlesworth, Hilary. - 3. ed.., xxiii, 1441 p.. - St. Paul, MINN : West Group, 1997. ISBN 0-314-21551-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): AMR; ACHPR; CEDAW; Genocide convention; Conventional weapons convention; Dayton peace agreement; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; St. Petersburg declaration; ECHR; Un charter; ICCPR; ICESCR; Vienna declaration and programme of action; Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; UDHR; |
33. | Hillgruber, Christian : The admission of new states to the international community, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The admission of new states to the international community / Hillgruber, Christian REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European journal of international law (=EJIL] : vol. 9; no. 3., p. 491-509. - Firenze : European University Institute, 1998. - ISSN 0938-5428 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: While the political relevance of the recognition of new states is beyond all doubt, the rules of law which apply to this aspect of public international law remain uncertain. The new practice of recognition of the recently established states of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union since 1991 is said to have overridden the traditional principles of public international law regarding recognition. Indeed, the predominant declarative theory cannot explain this new practice convincingly. The integration of a new state in the international community does not take place automatically, but through co-optation; that is, by individual and collective recognition on the part of the already existing states. By the procedure of recognition, these states exercise their prerogative to determine in advance whether the newcomer, in their judgment, is able and willing to carry out all its obligations as a subject of international law, whether it will be a reliable member of the international community. Therefore, the ability and willingness of the new state to respect international law constitute the central criteria of statehood in terms of international law. They are decisive for the conferment of legal capacity under international law. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USSR / Eastern europe / Slovenia / Croatia / Bosnia-Herzegovina |
34. | Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) : United Kingdom materials on international law 1997, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 1997 / Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 1997 : no. 68 / Brownlie, I.; ... [et al.], p. 467-654. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 1998. ISBN 0-19-826086-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CEDAW; Genocide convention; CERD; ICCPR; ICESCR; CRC; Convention for the protection of the ozone layer; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convent ion on diplomatic relations; |
35. | Maluwa, Tijanjana : International law in post colonial Africa, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law in post colonial Africa / Maluwa, Tijanjana - (Studies and materials on the settlement of international disputes ; vol. 4), xxi, 346 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999. ISBN 90-411-1089-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. I. CREATING AND SITUATING INTERNATIONAL LAW:. 1. Custom, authority and the craetion of international law. 2. Situating international law in municipal leagl systems in Africa. II. PRE-INDEPENDENCE TREATY OBLIGATIONS AND THE POST-COLONIAL STATE:. 3. The newly emergent state and the devolution of pre-independence treaties. 4. Succession to treaties and international fluvial law in Africa : the Niger treaties. III. HUMAN RIGHTS:. 5. Contextualizing democracy and human rights in Africa. 6. Protecting human rights in the constitution : the case of Malawi. IV. REFUGEE RIGHTS:. 7. The refugee problem inpost-apartheid Southern Africa. 8. Refugees, law and politics : the evolution of refugee policy in Malawi. V. TERRITORY, SOVEREIGNTY AND DISPUTE SETTLEMENT:. 9. The peaceful settlement of international disputes in post-colonial Africa : the first two decades. 10. Regulating the common utilization and mangagement of international watercourses : the Senegal regime. VI. IMPLEMENTING NEW INTERNATIONAL LAW:. 11. Southern African land-locked states and rights of access and treaties under the new law of the sea. 12. Environment and development in Africa in the 1990s : some legal issues. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Algeria / Benin / Botswana / Central African Republic / Congo / Cote d'Ivory / Egypt / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Rhodesia / Ghana / Guinea / Libya / Malawi / Mali / Mauritania / Mozambique / Namibia / Niger / Nigeria / Senegal / South Africa / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; OAU refugee convention; CEDAW; Declaration on the granting of independence; ECHR; UDHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; Convention on the law of the sea; Protocol on mediation, conciliation and arbitration; Protocol on the establishme nt of an African Court on Human and peoples' Rights; Rio declaration; Slavery convention; Vienna convention on succession of states in respect of treaties; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; OAU charter; CRC; Stockholm declaration; |
36. | Mrak, Mojmir (ed.) : Succession of states, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Succession of states / Mrak, Mojmir (ed.) - (Developments in international law ; vol. 33), xxi, 218 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1999. ISBN 90-411-1145-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Recognition of states and its (non-) implication on state succession : the case of successor states to the Former Yugoslavia, by Mirjam Skrk. 2. Diagreements over the definition of state property in the process of state succession to the Former Yugoslavia, by Vladimir-Djuro Degan. 3. Equity and equitable principles in the law of state succession, by Wladyslaw Czaplinski. 4. Matters of state succession in the World Bank's practice, by Ibrahim F. I. Shihata. 5. Questions of state identity and state succession in eastern and Central Europe, by Hanna Bokor-Szego. 6. The dissolution of Czechoslovakia and succession in respect of treaties, by Vaclav Mikulka. 7. Austria and Slovenia : succession to bilateral treaties and the state treaty of 1955, by Gerhard Hafner. 8. Succession of states in respect of citizenship : the case of the Former SFRY, by Todor Dzunov. 9. Succession to the Former Yugoslavia's external debt : the case of Slovenia, by Mojmir Mrak. 10. Succession to the archives of the Former SFR Yugoslavia, by Marija Oblak-Carni, Borut Bohte. 11. Fundamental controversies in succession to the Former SFR Yugoslavia INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Austria / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Armenia / Belarus / Belgium / Burundi / Canada / China / Croatia / Costa Rica / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / Egpyt / Finland / Macedonia / Georgia / Greece / Greenland / Hungary / India / Japan / Serbia / Montenegro / Libya / Macedonia / Malawi / Malta / Malaysia / Marocco / Mexico / Moldavia / Netherlands / New Zealand / Rhodesia / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Poland / Portugal / Korea / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Slovakia / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Tunisia / Turkey / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / Viet Nam / Yemen / Zambia / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): Alma-Ata declaration; Dayton agreement; Danube convention; Declaration of principles of international law; ECPT; ECHR; European conventionon the suppression of terrorism; ESC; Genocide convention; Manila declaration; Peace treaty with Italy; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna convention on succession of states in respect of treaties; UN charter; |
37. | Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) : United Kingdom materials on international law 1995, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 1995 / Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 1995 : no. 66 / Brownlie, I. ... [et al.], p. 583-758. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1996. ISBN 0-19-825882-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
38. | Shaw, Malcolm N. : International law, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law / Shaw, Malcolm N.. - 4. ed.., xlvi, 939 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. ISBN 0-521-57667-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The nature and development of international law. 2. International law today. 3. Sources. 4. International law and municipal law. 5. The subjects of international law. 6. The international protection of human rights. 7. The regional protection of human rights. 8. Recognition. 9. Territory. 10. Air law and space law. 11. The law of the sea. 12. Jurisdiction. 13. Immunities from jurisdiction. 14. State responsibility. 15. International environmental law. 16. The law of treaties. 17. State succession. 18. The settlement of disputes by peaceful means. 19. International law and the use of force by states. 20. The United Nations. 21. International institutionas. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECPT; ECHR; ESC; Peace of Westphalia; Geneva conventions; UN charter; Charter of the International Military Tribunal; IMT charter; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; Convention on the privilegies and immunities of the United Nations; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; ECHR; EC treaty; Slavery convention; Hague convention for the protection of cultural property in time of armed conflict; Convention on the nationality of married women; CDE; Convention on reduction of statelessness; ESC; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; European fisheries convention; CERD; ICCPR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ACHPR; CAT; Additional protocol on the Inter-American convention on economic, social and cultural rights; Migrant workers convention; Charter of Paris; Climate change convention; Convention on biological diversity; European charter for regional or minority languages; Rio declaration; TEU; CIS charter USED FOR Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States; Chemical weapons convention; Inter-American convention on the forced disappearances of persons; CIS convention on human rights and fundamental rights; Additional protocol to ESC; Revised ESC; |
39. | Murphy, Sean D. : Democratic legitimacy and the recognition of states and governments, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Democratic legitimacy and the recognition of states and governments / Murphy, Sean D. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International and contemporary law quarterly : vpl. 48; part 3., p. 545-581. - London : British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1999. - ISSN 0020-5893 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; Charter of Paris; Un charter; Helsinki final act; |
40. | Flory, Maurice : Naissance d'un etat Palestinien, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Naissance d'un etat Palestinien / Flory, Maurice REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Revue générale de droit international public : tome 93., p. 384-415. - Paris : A. Pedone, 1989. - ISSN 0373-6156 LANGUAGE: FRE INDEX WORDS:
41. | Grant, Thomas : The recognition of states, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The recognition of states : law and practice in debate and evolution / Grant, Thomas, xxii, 257 p.. - London : Praeger, 1999. ISBN 0-275-96350-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. The Once-Great Debate and Its Rivals. 2. The Declaratory Preference Examined. 3. Doctrines of Recognition: Textual Evidence. 4. Criteria for Recognition or Criteria for Statehood?. 5. An Unsolved Problem: The Process of Recognition. 6. The Yugoslav Recognition Crisis. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Albania / Armenia / Asia / Australia / Austria / Hungary / Bangladesh / Belgium / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Burma / Cambodia / Croatia / Cuba / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / East Timor / El Salvador / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Georgia / Greece / Guinea-Bissau / Haiti / Iceland / India / Iraq / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Korea / Kuwait / Latin America / Lebanon / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Mexico / Monaco / Montenegro / Namibia / Nicaragua / Norway / Panama / Philippines / Poland / Portugal / Rhodesia / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Slovenia / South Africa / Spain / Switzerland / Syria / Taiwan / Turkey / United Kingdom / USA / USSR / Uzbekistan / Former Yugoslavia / Zaire LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands Gibraltar Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): Charter of Paris; Genocide convention; Montevideo convention; Declaration on friendly relations; Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples; Helsinki final act; ICCPR; ICESCR; UN charter; UDHR; |
42. | Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) : United Kingdom materials on international law 1998, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 1998 / Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 1998 : no. 69 / Brownlie, I. ... [et al. ], p. 433-630. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-826800-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Genocide convention; Charter of Nuremberg; UDHR; ICCPR; |
43. | Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) : United Kingdom materials on international law 1999, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 1999 / Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 1999 : 70 / Crawford, J. ... [et al.], p. 387-634. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-829914-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
44. | Castellino, Joshua : International law and self-determination, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series International law and self-determination : the interplay of the politics of territorial possession with formulations of post-colonial `national' identity / Castellino, Joshua - (Developments in international law ; vol. 38), xxiv, 286 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. ISBN 90-411-1409-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Theoretical Underpinnings of the Discourse of Self-Determination. 1. The History of the Norm of Self-Determination. 2. Who Are the People? National Minorities in Self-Determination Discourse. 3. The State and Self-Determination: The Conceptual Conflict between Self-Determination and Territorial Sovereignty. 4. The Norm of Uti Possidetis Juris: The Deciding Factor in the Creation of Modern National Identity. Part II: Practical Implications of the Discourse of Self-Determination in Bangladesh and the Western Sahara. Case Study I: `Self-Determination' Achieved. 5. The Bangladeshi Secession in International Law: Setting New Standards? Case Study II: `National' Identity in the Western Sahara; Part 1. 6. Modern International Legal History of the Conflict over the Western Sahara. Case Study II: `National Identity in the Western Sahara; Part 2. 7. The Western Sahara Case and the Fallacy of the Self-Determination Discourse. Conclusion. Bibliography. Appendices. Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Algeria / Bangladesh / Biafra / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Croatia / Czechoslovakia / East Timor / Eritrea / France / India / Kashmir / Mauritania / Morocco / Nigeria / Nogorny-Karabakh / Pakistan / USSR / Spain / Western Sahara / Yugoslavia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): ICESCR; ICCPR; UDHR; ADRD; Alma Ata declaration; Dayton peace agreement; |
45. | Bühler, Konrad G. : State succession and membership in international organizations, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series State succession and membership in international organizations / Bühler, Konrad G. - (Legal aspects of international organization ; vol. 38), xxii, 351 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. ISBN 90-411-1553-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents: Preface. Abbreviations. I: Introduction. II: Preliminary Observations. 1. State Succession, Identity and Continuity. 2. Membership and Succession. III: Practice Concerning Membership Between 1945 and 1990. 1. The Philippines – Independence in 1946. 2. India and Pakistan – Independence of `British India' in 1947. 3. Syria and Egypt – the United Arab Republic (UAR) 1958-1961. 4. Mali and Senegal – the Dissolution of the Federation of Mali in 1960. 5. Tanganyika and Zanzibar – the Formation of the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964. 6. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV, North Vietnam) and the Republic of South Vietnam (RSV) – the Unification of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) in 1976. 7. Critical Analysis and Preliminary Conclusions. IV: Practice Concerning Membership After 1990. 1. The Yemen Arab Republic (Northern Yemen) and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (Southern Yemen) – the Unification of the Republic of Yemen in 1990. 2. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) – the Unification of Germany in 1990. 3. The Soviet Union (USSR) and the Russian Federation (RF): Identity/Continuity or State Succession? 4. Ukraine and Belarus after the Dissolution of the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1991. 5. The Baltic States and the Other Former Soviet Republics. 6. The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY): Identity;Continuity or State Succession? 7. The Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic – the Dismemberment of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR) on December 31, 1992. V: Final Conclusions. 1. Basic Principles of State Succession and Membership in International Organizations. 2. Theoretical Conclusions on State Succession and Membership in International Organizations. 3. Future Outlook: Legal Theories versus Political Pragmatism – A Need for New Approaches and Paradigms? Bibliography. Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Belarus / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Croatia / Czech republic / Egypt / Germany / Georgia / India / kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Mali / Moldova / Pakistan / Philippines / Yemen / Russian Federation / Senegal / Slovak / Yugoslavia / Viet Nam / USSR / Tajikistan / Tanganyika / Tanzania / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / Arab Republic / United Kingdom / USA / Uzbekistan / Viet Nam / Zanzibar NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention; CRC; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Hague conventions for the pacific settlement of international disputes; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Vienna convention on succession of states in respect of state property; UN charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
46. | Tange, P. C. : Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 1997-1998, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 1997-1998 / Tange, P. C. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Netherlands yearbook of international law : vol. 30 : 1999 / Blokker, N.M. ... [et al.], p. 159-222. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. - ISSN 0167-6768 ISBN 90-411-1497-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter-103; Refugee convention; ECHR-3; Schengen agreement; Convention on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality; Ottawa convention; |
47. | de Keuning, C.W.J.L. : Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 1994-1995 , 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 1994-1995 / de Keuning, C.W.J.L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Netherlands yearbook of international law : vol. 27 : 1996 / Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. ... [et al.], p. 215-263. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1997. - ISSN 0167-6768 ISBN 90-411-0403-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo / Bosnia-Herzegovina LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Srebrenica Mostar NOTE (GENERAL): Ottawa convention; CWC; Nuclear non-proliferation treaty; |
48. | Bring, Ove : Sverige och folkrätten, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Sverige och folkrätten / Bring, Ove ; Mahmoudi, Said. - 2. uppl.., 250 p.. - Stockholm : Norstedts juridik, 2001. ISBN 91-39-20255-0 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. Folkrättens begrepp och karaktär. 2. Folkrättens källor och doktriner. 3. Folkrätt och svensk rätt. 4. Folkrättens subjekt. Erkännandefrågor. 5. Sverige och Föenta Nationerna. 6. Sverige och de mänskliga rättigheterna. 7. Sverige och den internationella humanitära rätten. 8. Sverige och immunitetsrätten. 9. Sverige och havsrätten. 10. Sverige och den internationella miljörätten. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICJ statute; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Hague conventions; Rio declaration; Stockholm declaration; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
49. | Morgan, Ed : The other death of international law, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The other death of international law / Morgan, Ed REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Leiden journal of international law : vol. 14; no. 1., p. 3-24. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. - ISSN 0922-1565 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): The ICTY statute; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; UN charter; |
50. | Marston, Geoffrey : United Kingdom materials on international law 2000, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 2000 / Marston, Geoffrey REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 2000 : no. 71 / Crawford, J. ... [et al.], p. 517-668. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2001. ISBN 0-19-924692-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ECHR; |
51. | Brownlie, Ian : Principles of public international law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Principles of public international law / Brownlie, Ian. - 6th. ed.., xlii, 742 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2003. ISBN 0-19-926071-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART 1. PRELIMINARY TOPICS:. 1. Sources of Law. 2. The Relationship of Municipal and International Law. PART 2 : PERSONALITY AND RECOGNITION:. 3. Subjects of the Law. 4. Incidence and Continuity of Statehood. 5. Recognition of States and Governments. PART 3 : TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTY: 6 Territorial Sovereignty. 7. The Creation and Transfer of Territorial Sovereignty. 8. Status of Territory: Further Problems. PART IV : LAW OF THE SEA:. 9. Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zones and Exclusive Economic Zones. 10. The Continental Shelf: Delimitation of Shelf Areas and Exclusive Economic Zones. 11. The Regime of the High Seas. PART V : COOMON AMENITIES AND CO-OPERATION IN THE USE OF RESOURCES: 12. Common Amenities and Co-operation in the Use of Resources. 13. Legal Aspects of the Protection of the Environment. PART VI : STATE JURISDICTION: 14. Sovereignt y and Equality of States. 15. Jurisdictional Competence. 16. Priviledges and Immunities of Foreign States. 17. Diplomatic and Consular Relations. 18. Reservations from Territorial Sovereignty. PART VII: RULES OF ATTRIBUTION (APRART FROM TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTY AND STATE JURISDICTION): 19. The relations of nationality. 20. Some Rules of Attribution:Corporations and Specific Assets. PART 8 : THE LAW OF RESPONSIBILITY : 22. The Admissibility of State Claims. 23. Some Incidents of Illegality and the Concept of JUS COGENS. PART IX : THE PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS: 24. Injury to the Persons and Property of Aliens and State Territory. 25. The Protection of Individuals and Groups: Human Rights and Self-Determination. PART X : INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS: 27. T he Law of Treaties. 28. Other Transactions Including Agency and Representations. PART XI : TRANSMISSION OF RIGHTS AND DUTIES : 29. State Succession. 30. Other Cases of Transmission of Rights and Duties. PART XII: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND TRIBUNALS: 31. I nternational Organizations. 32. The Judicial Settlement of International Disputes PART XIII : THE USE OF THREAT OF FORCE BY STATES:. 33. The use of threat of force by states. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UDHR; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
52. | Elias, Olufemi : General international law in the European Court of Justice , 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series General international law in the European Court of Justice : from hypothesis to reality? / Elias, Olufemi REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Netherlands yearbook of international law : vol. 31 : 2000 / Blokker, N.M. ... [et al.], p. 3-34. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Instituut, 2001. - ISSN 0167-6768 ISBN 90-6704-143-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty; Geneva conventions on the territorial sea; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
53. | Frowein, Jochen (ed.) : Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law : volume 6 : 2002 / Frowein, Jochen (ed.), xvi, 610 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. ISBN 90-411-1990-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Between Impunity and Show Trials, by M. Koskenniemi. 2. Third Parties and the Law of Treaties, by M. Fitzmaurice. 3. Opening the International Court of Justice to Third States: Intervention and Beyond, by P. Palchetti. 4. ITLOS: The First Six Years, by P. Chandrasekhara Rao. 5. The Fight against Impunity under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by A. Siebert-Fohr. 6. South Africa and the International Criminal Court, by H. Strydom. 7. Legal Aspects of Modern Submarine Warfare, by J.A. Roach. 8. The UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage and the International Law of the Sea, by M. Rau. 9. Environmental Financing: Function and Coherence of Financial Mechanisms in International Environmental Agreements, by N. Matz. 10. The Security Council's Authorization of Enforcement Action by Regional Organizations, by U. Villani. 11. The Status of the Taliban: Their Obligations and Rights under International Law, by R. Wolfrum, C.E. Philipp. Book Reviews INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Genocide convention; The statute of the ICC; ICCPR; UN charter-51;
URL http://www.mpil.de/ww/en/pub/research/details/publications/institute/mpyunl/volume_6.cfm |
54. | Evans, Malcolm (ed.) : International law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law / Evans, Malcolm (ed.), li, 841 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2003. ISBN 0-19-925114-2 ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction: INTERNATIONAL LAW IN PRACTICE:. 1. Reflections from the international court, by Rosalyn Higgins. 2. The Pinochet case - some personal reflections, by the Lord Millett. 3. The perspective of international law from the bar, by Ian Brownlie. 4. Reflections from the practice of international litigation, by Campbell McLachlan. 5. A personal perspective on international law, by Ralph Zacklin. 6. The perspective of a foreign ministry legal adviser, by Michael Wood. PART I: THE HISTORY AND THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: 1. Dr Stephen Neff: A Short History of International Law. 2. Some common heresies about international law : sundry theoretical perspectives, by Iain Scobbie. 3. Professor Martii Koskenniemi: What is International Law For? PART II: THE STRUCTURE OF INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATION: 4. Hugh Thirlway: The Sources of International Law. 5. Dinah Shelton: International Law and 'Relative Normativity'. 6. Malgosia Fitzmaurice: The Law of Treaties PART III : THE SUBJECTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ORDER: 7.Colin Warbrick: State and Recognition in International Law. 8. Dapo Akande: International Organizations. 9. Robert McCorquodale: The Individual and the International Legal System. PART IV : THE SCOPE OF SOVEREIGNTY: 10. Vaughan Lowe: Sovereignty and the Principles of Jurisdiction. 11. Hazel Fox: Restraints upon Exercise of National Jurisdiction by States. 12. Chanaka Wickremasinghe: Personal Immunities from National Jurisdiction. 13. Eileen Denza: The Relationship Between International and National Law. PART V: RESPONSIBILITY: 14. James Crawford and Simon Olleson: The Nature and Forms of International Responsibility. 15. Phoebe Okowa: Admissibility, Nationality and Defences to Responsibility. PART VI : RESPONDING TO BREACHES OF INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS: 16. Nigel White and A. Abass : Co untermeasures and Sanctions. 17. John Merrills: The Means of Dispute Settlement. 18. Hugh Thirwell: The International Court of Justice. 19. Christine Gray: The Use of Force and the International Legal Order. PART VII: THE APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW : 20. Malcolm Evans: The Law of the Sea. 21. Catherine Redgwell: International Environment al Law. 22. Gerhard Loibl: International Economic Law. 23. Antonio Cassese: International Criminal Law. 24. Henry Steiner: International Protection of Human Rights. 25. Christopher Greenwood: Humanitarian Law. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CEDAW; CERD; ICESCR; ECHR; ICCPR; UDHR; AMR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ACHPR; Arab convention for the suppression of terrorism; Convention on biological diversity; CRC; Covenant of the League of nations; ECHR; ESC; TEU; Framework convention on climate change; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Helsinki final act; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; Ottawa convention; Peace of Westphalia; Statute of ICJ; Statute of the ICC; Statute of the PCIJ; UN charter; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Vienna convention on succession of states in respect of treaties; CAT; Convention on the law of the sea; |
55. | Shaw, Malcolm N. : International law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law / Shaw, Malcolm N.. - 5 th.., cxlv, 1288 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2003. ISBN 0-521-53183-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The nature and development of international law. 2. International law today. 3. Sources. 4. International law and municipal law. 5. The subjects of international law. 6. The international protection of human rights. 7. The regional protection of human rights. 8. Recognition. 9. Territory. 10. Air law and space law. 11. The law of the sea. 12. Jurisdiction. 13. Immunities from jurisdiction. 14. State responsibility. 15. International environmental law. 16. The law of treaties. 17. State succession. 18. The settlement of disputes by peaceful means. 19. Interstate courts and tribunals. 20. International law and the use of force by states. 21. International humanitarian law. 22. The United Nations. 23. International institutions. Some useful international websites. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Hague conventions; Covenant of the League of Nations; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; UN charter; Tokyo charter of the international military tribunal for the far-east of 1946; Nuremberg charter; ADRD; UDHR; Genocide convention; OAS charter; Geneva conventions; Genocide convention; ECHR; Refugee convention; Vienna convention on consular relations; CERD; ICCPR; ASEAN declaration; AMR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; BWC; Oslo convention; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; Rio declaration; Alma Ata declaration; Framework convention on climate change; The statute of the ICC; Vienna declaration and programme of action; Arab charter on human rights Draft UN declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; ILC draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind; ToA; European convention on nationality; Revised ESC; EU charter of fundamental rights; ILC draft articles on state responsibility; Treaty of Nice; Charter of the Sierra Leone Special Court;
URL http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521531837 |
56. | Danchin, Peter (ed.) : Protecting the human rights of religious minorities in Eastern Europe, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Protecting the human rights of religious minorities in Eastern Europe / Danchin, Peter (ed.), xvii, 546 p.. - New York : Columbia U. P., 2002. ISBN 0-231-12474-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: PART ONE: THEORETICAl PERSPECTIVES: 1. Religious minorities and religious freedom: an overview, David Little. 2. The protection of minority religions in Eastern Europe, by Eileen Barker. 3. Equality and religious preferences: theoretical, international and religious perspectives, by Tad Stahnke. PART TWO : INTERNATIONAL LEGAL PERSPECTIVES: 4. External monitoring and the international protection of freedom of religion or belief, by Peter G. Danchin. 5. The evolving jurisprudence of the European court of human rights and the protection of religious minorities, by Peter G. Danchin, Lisa Forman. 6. The organization for security and co-operation in Europe and the rights of religion or belief , by T. Jeremy Gunn. 7. Self-determination and the right to secession of religious minorities under international law, by Johan van Der Vyver. PART THREE : CASE STUDIES : A. Eastern and Central Europe. 8. State politics and religious pluralism in Russia and Ukraine: a comparative perspective, Serhii Plokhy. 9. Law and politics toward the Muslims in Bulgaria, Krassimir Kanev. 10. Protection of minority religions in Hungary: a comparative analysis, by Balàzs Schanda. PART THREE : CASE STUDIES : B : WESTERN EUROPE - COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES: 11. European parliamentary enquette commissions: justification of a two-tiered system of religious freedoms, by Carolyn Wah. 12. The contemporary form of the relationship between religious minorities and the state in Spain , by Rosa Mariá Martínez de Codes. 13. The protection of religious minorities in Belgium: a western European perspective, by Willy Fautré. PART FOUR : NON-LEGAL APPROACHES: 14. The development of Polish civil society and the experience of the Greek Catholic minority in eastern Poland, by Christopher Hann. 15. The Catholic church in post-communist Europe, by Timothy Byrnes. 16. American church advocacy of religious rights in East Germany: the legacy of the past for the present, by Robert Goeckel. 17. Catholic-Jewish dialogue in Poland: a difficult road to tolerance, by Stanislw Krajewski. AFTERWORD:. 18. Religion and human rights: the capacity to "swear to one's own hurt", by Donald W. Shriver. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Albania / Austria / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Canada / China / Croatia / Cuba / Czech Republic / Egypt / Estonia / Finland / USSR / Germany / Greece / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Italy / Japan / Macedonia / Namibia / Northern Ireland / Pakistan / Poland / Roamnia / Russian Federation / Serbia / Spain / Sudan / Turkey / Ukraine LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UDHR-18; ICCPR-21-26-27; ICESCR; ECHR; Arab charter on human rights; Declaration of the rights of minorities; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief; |
57. | Kreijen, Gerard : State failure, sovereignty and effectiveness, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph State failure, sovereignty and effectiveness : legal lessons from the decolonization of Sub-Saharan Africa / Kreijen, Gerard - (Developments in international law ; vol. 50), xii, 386 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2004. ISBN 90-04-13965-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: Foreword by Sir Robert Jennings, 1. Introduction, 2. On the State and State Failure. 1. Introduction. 2. The State in International law. 3. The Sociological and the Normative Conception of the State. 4. State Failure. 3 African Independence and the Transformation of Sovereignty. 1. Introduction. 2. Positive and Negative Sovereignty. 3. The Decline of Colonialism and the Expansion of International Society. 4. The New Game of Negative Sovereignty. 5. Juridical Statehood outside the Colonial Context: Why Africa is not ‘Just Different’. 6. Final Observations. 4 The Abandonment of Effectiveness. 1. Introduction. 2. The Swing of the Pendulum. 3. Dissolving the Unity between Reality and Ideas. 4. Effectiveness and the Unity between Reality and Ideas. 5. Statehood, State Failure, and the Abandonment of Effectiveness. 5 Some Illustrations of the Consequences of Inherent Weakness. 1. Introduction 2. How Weak States Fail. 3. The Evasion of the Normative Character of International Law. 4. Some Additional Observations. 6 A Little Order. 1. Introduction. 2. Restoring the Unity between Reality and Ideas. 3. Reviving the UN Trusteeship System for Failed States. 4. Withdrawal of Recognition. 5. Self-Determination: The Final Hurdle. 7 Conclusions. 1. The Decolonization of Sub-Saharan Africa. 2. Recognition. 3. Sovereignty. 4. Effectiveness. 5. State Failure. 6. The General Perspective: Why Hobbes was Right. Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sierra Leone / Somalia |
58. | Mann, F. A. : Studies in international law, 1973 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Studies in international law / Mann, F. A., xxxii, 717 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1973. ISBN 0-19-825316-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: I. The Doctrine of Jurisdiction in International Law; II. Reflections on a Commercial Law of Nations; III. The Law Governing State Contracts; IV. The Proper Law of Contracts Concluded by International Persons; V. About the Proper Law of Contracts between States; VI. State Contracts and International Arbiration; VII. State Contracts and State Responsibility; VIII. The Enforcement of Treaties by English Courts; IX. THe Assignability of Treaty Rights; X. International Delinquencies before Municipal Courts; XI. Judiciary and Executive in Foreign Affairs; XII. The Sancrosanctity of the Foreign Act of State; XIII. The Legal Consequences of Sabbatino; XIV. Prerogative Rights of Foreign States and the Conflict of Laws; XV. The Effect of Changes of Sovereignty upon Nationality; XVI. The Effect of State Succession upon Corporations; XVII. International Corporations and National Law; XVIII. The 'Interpretation' of the Constitutions of International Financial Organizations; XIX. The Interpretation of Uniform Statutes; XX. The Present Legal Status of Germany; XXI. Germany's Present Legal Status Revisited INDEX WORDS:
59. | Mälksoo, Lauri : Illegal annexation and state continuity, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Illegal annexation and state continuity : the case of the incorporation of the Baltic states by the USSR : a study of the tension between normativity and power in international law / Mälksoo, Lauri - (Eric Castrén Institute : monographs on international law and human rights ; vol. 5), xxxiv, 373 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2003. ISBN 90-411-2177-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter 1. Illegal Annexation, State Continuity and Identity: Concepts and Controversies:. 1.The Changing Status of Statehood in Contemporary International Law and Society: A Starting Point for the Analysis.2.Reestablished States in the Practice of International Relations: Historical Perspective .3. State Continuity, Identity and Extinction in International Law Doctrine 4.Issues Raised by World War II Annexation Cases in the Legal Doctrine (a) Does State Identity per Definitionem Imply State Continuity? (b) What are the Normative Consequences of State Identity? (c) The Basis in International Law for State Identity in World War II Annexation Cases (i) Occupatio quasi bellica and other auxiliary theories (ii) Illegality of the Annexation due to the Use of Force (iii) The Relevance of the People in Determining the Illegality and the Continuity of Statehood 5. Implications of the Illegality of Annexation For State Personality. Chapter 2. The Legal Status of the Baltic States in International Law after 1991: Claims and Responses:. 1.The Baltic Thesis (a) Republic of Estonia (b) Republic of Latvia (c) Republic of Lithuania, 2.Responses to the Baltic Continuity Thesis in the Practice of International Community (a) Restoration of Diplomatic Relations with Western Countries in 1991,(b) Subsequent Treaty Practice: Multilateral Treaties,(c) Practice Related to Bilateral Treaties, (d) Other Consequences of State Identity in Relations with Western States, (e) Practice as Related to the Membership in International Organisations, (f )The Continuity Thesis of the Baltic States and the Russian Federation, 3. The Legal Status of the Baltic States: Views in the Legal Literature. Chapter 3. The Baltic States Between 1940 and 1991 Illegality and/or Prescription,1.Introduction, 2.The Illegality of the Soviet Annexation, (a) Soviet Occupation and Annexation of the Baltic States in 1940: Facts, (b) Soviet Occupation and Annexation of the Baltic States: Applicable Law (c) Legal Evaluation of the Soviet Policy against the Baltic States in 1930/1940, (d) The Illegality of Annexation in International Law: the Soviet Views, (e) Illegality of the Soviet Annexation: General Conclusions, 3.Prescription and the Soviet Rule in the Illegally Annexed Baltic States (a) The Concept of Prescription in International Law, (i) The Time Factor as an Objective Element in Prescription Analysis?(ii) Criteria for Prescription Analysis,(b) Non-Recognition of the Soviet Annexation of the Baltic States: Law and Politics, (i) Non-Recognition in History, (ii) The Stimson Doctrine, (iii) Non-Recognition of the Soviet Annexation in the Baltic Case, (iv) The Legal Duty of the Non-Recognition of Illegal Annexations since 1970, (v)The Helsinki Final Act: A Western Recognition of the de facto Situation?, (vi)The Legal Relevance of Inconsistencies and Controversial Aspects of the Non-Recognition Policy in the Baltic Case, (vii) Non-Recognition and Prescription in the Baltic Case: Conclusions, (viii) The Status of the Baltic Soviet Socialist Republics from the Viewpoint of International Law, (c) Survival of State Organs of the Baltic Republics in Exile, (i) The Functioning of the Baltic Legations in 1940-1991, (ii) A Particular Estonian Development: the Estonian Government(s)-in-Exile, (iii) The Baltic Legations and Estonian Governmentin-Exile: Evaluation from the Point of View of State Continuity and Prescription,(d) The Baltic Peoples and Prescription, 4.Prescription? Conclusions. Chapter. 4. The ’Occupation’ of the Baltic States (1940-1991)?, 1. The Baltic Thesis of the Soviet Occupation(1940-1940, 1944-1991) 2. The Reception of the Baltic Thesis of the Soviet Occupation, 3. The Development of the Concept of ‘Occupation’ in International Law, (a) Were/Are the 1907 Hague Rules Applicable Beyond the ‘War’?, (b) Occupation Versus Annexation, (c) The Main Requirements of the 1907 Hague Regulations for the Occupying Power and Practice in World War II, 4. An Evaluation of the Baltic Case: Fiction and Reality in Occupation Theory, (a) The Soviet Union and the Hague Regulations, (b) Which Rules of Occupation Were Legally Applicable in the Case of the Baltic States?, (c) Conclusions: International Legal Rules Binding the USSR during its Occupation (Illegal Annexation)of the Baltic States, 5. Conclusion: the Baltic States 1940-1991, Continuity or Extinction? Part II II.Ex Factis Oritur Ius, 1. Introduction Chapter 1. Controversial Claims for the Restoration of Legal Rights in the Baltic Case, 1.The Prevailing Understanding of ’ State Continuity’ in Legal Doctrine, 2. Special Circumstances of the Baltic Case 3. The Controversy about the Principle of Continuity of Citizenship and the Political Rights of the Soviet Settlers, (a) Introduction, (b) The Migration Policies of the Soviet Authorities, (c) The Citizens’ Congresses in Estonia and Latvia in 1990, (d) Baltic Debates about the Political Rights of the Russian Speaking Settlers in the Early 1990s, (e) Baltic Nationality and Naturalization Laws, (i) Estonia, (ii) Latvia, (iii) Lithuania, (f ) The Acceptance of the Continuity of Nationality Principle in the Estonian and Latvian Citizenship Laws by the International Community, (g) Conclusion: No ‘Unrestricted’ Restoration of Nationality in the Baltic Case, 4. Changes with Respect to State Territories: Border Disputes since the Restoration of the Independence of the Baltic States , (a) Estonia (i) The Unilateral ‘Corrections’ of the State Border by the USSR, (ii) The Estonian-Russian Border Negotiations since 1991, (b) Latvia, (i) Unilateral Changes of the State Border by the USSR , (ii) The Latvian-Russian Border Dispute since 1991, (c) The Boundaries of Lithuania, (d) The Border Debate: Legal Issues (e) The Border Debate: Conclusions, 5. The Issue of State Responsibility for the Injuries Caused During the Illegal Soviet Annexation, (a) Introduction, (b) Main Principles of the Law of State Responsibility, (c) On the Conditions of State Responsibility in the Case of the Baltic States: the Issue of Attributability (the International Legal Status of Today’s Russia), (d) The Reparations Issue after the Reestablishment of the Baltic Independence, (e) The Reparations Issue: Conclusions. 6. General Conclusion from Practice: the Discrepancy between Status and Rights. Chapter 6. State Continuity in the Cases of Prolonged Illegal Annexation: Status and/or Rights?:. 1.Introduction, 2. Realist Critiques of International Law, 3. New Haven Approach and New Stream: Politics of International Law, 4.Doctrinal Proposal: Status Goes Beyond Legal Rights and Duties, 5.The Domestic Analogy of the Restoration in the Baltic States: No restitutio ad integrum 6. Conclusions. Part III. Between Normativity and Power: The Implications of the Baltic Case for International Law :. Chapter 7. The Baltic Case and Lessons from Other Cases,1. Introduction, 2. Illegal Annexation and State Continuity, (a) The Annexation of East Timor and the Uncertainties of Non-Recognition in State Practice, (b) State Continuity as a Necessary Consequence of the Illegality of the Annexation, (c) Other Relevant Factors beside Illegality Precedental Effects, (i) Georgia 1921-1991: a Non-Recognized Claim of State Continuity, (ii) The Status of the Non-Recognized State Continuity Claims, (iii) A Case Beyond the Baltic Precedent: Chechnya, 3. Departures from the Effectiveness Principle and the Fear of Unfulfilled Fictions (a) Legality and Effectiveness in Tibet, 4.Concluding Observations, Appendices 1,2,3,4, Bibliography, Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Chechnya / Estonia / Georgia / Latvia / Lithuania / Russian Federation / Portugal / Poland / Ethiopia / Czechoslovakia / Albania / Austria / Algeria / Syria / Tibet LIBRARY LOCATION: Off.rätt. |
60. | Käsper, Kari (ed.) : Republic of Estonia materials on international law 2004, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Republic of Estonia materials on international law 2004 / Käsper, Kari (ed.) ; Meiorg, Marianne ; Toomus, Kaidi REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Baltic yearbook of international law : vol. 5: 2005 / Laurin, C. (manag. ed.), p. 165-353. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2005. ISBN 90-04-14-14788-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS: