91. | Dahl, Borge ... [et al.] : Danish law in a European perspective, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Danish law in a European perspective / Dahl, Borge ... [et al.], 542 p.. - Copenhagen : GadJura, 1996. ISBN 87-607-0355-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are a.o.:. 1. Danish law in a European context, by Ole Due. 2. The Danes, their constitution and the International Community, by Lars Adam Rehof. 3. Law studies in Denmark, by Borge Denmark. 4. The Danish judiciary, by Torben Melchior. 5. Law practicing in Denmark, by Henrik Bitsch. 6. Equality and care in Danish family law and law of inheritance, by Linda Nielsen. 7. Danish property law, by Bo von Eyben. 8. The Danish social system, by Kirsten Ketscher. 9. Environmental protection in Denmark, by Ellen Magrethe Basse. 10. Danish intellectual property law, by Mogens Koktvedgaard. 11. new technologies and Danish law, by Mads Bryde Andersen. 12. Criminal law and justice in Denmark, by Vagn Greve. INDEX WORDS:
92. | Germany (after Communism), 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Germany (after Communism) / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Transitional justice : how emerging democracies reckon with former regimes : vol. II : country studies / Kritz, N. J. (ed.); foreword by Nelson Mandela, p. 593-644. - Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace, 1995. ISBN 1-878379-48-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
93. | Wahlgren, Peter (red.) : Rättsfallssamling i IT-rätt, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Rättsfallssamling i IT-rätt / Wahlgren, Peter (red.) - (Skrifter från institutet för rättsinformatik ; 5), 169 p.. - Stockholm : Norstedts juridik, 1996. ISBN 91-39-20025-6 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
94. | Rogge, K. : The protection of private life and technological challenges, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The protection of private life and technological challenges / Rogge, K. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Bulletin des droits de l'homme : no. 2., p. 17-31. - Luxembourg : Institut Luxembourgeois des Droits de l'Homme, 1994. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
95. | Männynoksa, Ritva : Missbruk av socialskydd , 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Missbruk av socialskydd : fenomenet och tankar det väckt hos en verkställare / Männynoksa, Ritva REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT : årg. 134:1., p. 34-52. - Helsingfors : Juridiska föreningen i Finland, 1998. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
96. | Norström, Carl : EU och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EU och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen / Norström, Carl, 286 p.. - Stockholm : Juridik & Samhälle, 1995. ISBN 91-7199-032-1 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
97. | Reed, Chris (ed.) : Computer law, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Computer law / Reed, Chris (ed.). - 3. ed.., xxx, 396 p.. - London : Blackstone Press, 1996. ISBN 1-85431-448-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / United Kingdom LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Scotland NOTE (GENERAL): European convention on data protection; |
98. | Still, Viveca : Om god datasäkerhetssed och god databehandlingssed i informationssamhället, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Om god datasäkerhetssed och god databehandlingssed i informationssamhället / Still, Viveca REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Retfaerd : nordisk juridisk tidsskrift 82 : no. 3., p. 3-18. - Oslo : Scandinavian U. P., 1998. - ISSN 0105-1121 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
99. | E-plikt att säkra det elektroniska kulturarvet, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series E-plikt att säkra det elektroniska kulturarvet / ; Utbildningsdepartementet - (Statens offentliga utredningar [=SOU] ; 111), 252 p.. - Stockholm : Fritzes, 1998. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91-38-211003-7 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sweden / Finland / Norway / France / United Kingdom / Australia / Canada / USA LIBRARY LOCATION: ÅAB |
100. | IT och nationalstaten, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series IT och nationalstaten : fyra framtidsscenarier : delbetänkande av IT-kommissionen / ; Kommunikationsdepartementet - (Statens offentliga utredningar [=SOU] ; 58; IT-kommissionens rapport; no. 6), 38 p.. - Stockholm : Fritzes, 1998. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91-38-20920-9 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
101. | Human rights in Finland, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in Finland : 1998 audit, December 1998 /, 18 p.. - Helsinki : Ihmisoikeusliitto ry - Finnish League for Human Rights - Förbundet för mänskliga rättigheter, 1998. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
102. | Piispanen, Kirsi : Poliisin tiedoksisaamisoikeudesta salassapidettäviin tietoihin, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Poliisin tiedoksisaamisoikeudesta salassapidettäviin tietoihin / Piispanen, Kirsi REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Juhlakirja Kaarlo Tuori 50 vuotta / van Aerschot, P.; Ilveskivi, P.; Piispanen, K. (toim.), p. 29-42. - Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston julkisoikeuden laitos, 1998. ISBN 951-45-8101-6 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
103. | von Koksull, Anders : Synpunkter på personregisterlagstiftningen, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Synpunkter på personregisterlagstiftningen / von Koksull, Anders REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland : no. 128; sjätte häftet., p. 402-418. - Helsingfors : Juridiska föreningen i Finland, 1992. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
104. | Nurmi, Pekka : Har tillämpningen av personregisterlagen gått så långt, att den hindrar uppnåendet av andra viktiga mål i samhället?, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Har tillämpningen av personregisterlagen gått så långt, att den hindrar uppnåendet av andra viktiga mål i samhället? / Nurmi, Pekka REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland : no. 128; sjätte häftet., p. 395-401. - Helsingfors : Juridiska föreningen i Finland, 1992. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (GENERAL): European convention on data protection; |
105. | Grönqvist, Henrik : En presentation av strafflagsreformen, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial En presentation av strafflagsreformen / Grönqvist, Henrik REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland : no. 126; första häftet., p. 29-48. - Helsingfors : Juridiska föreningen i Finland, 1991. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
106. | Viljanen, Pekka : Salaamisen ja valehtelemisen oikeudesta, 1993 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Salaamisen ja valehtelemisen oikeudesta : rikoslakiprojektin ehdotuksen herättämiä ajatuksia / Viljanen, Pekka REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Lakimies : suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen aikakauskirja : no. 91 (7)., p. 1008-1029. - Helsinki : Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 1993. - ISSN 0023-7353 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
107. | International law, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law : collected texts (conventions of the Council of Europe) /, 277 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999. ISBN 92-871-3845-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
108. | Duff, Andrew (ed.) : Treaty of Amsterdam, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Treaty of Amsterdam : text and commentary / Duff, Andrew (ed.), xl, 322 p.. - London : Federal Trust for Education and Research, 1997. ISBN 0-901573-65-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The parts are:. 1. Text and commentary. 2. Freedom security and justice 3. The Union and the citizen. 4. An effective and coherent external policy. 5. The Union's institutions. 6. Closer cooperation - or 'flexibility'. 6. Simplification and consolidation of the treaties. 7. Economic policy. 8. Text of the treaty of Amsterdam. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TOA; TEU; Schengen convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
109. | Foley, Conor : Human rights, human wrongs, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights, human wrongs : the alternative report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee / Foley, Conor, xvi, 464 p.. - London : Rivers Oram Press, 1995. ISBN 1-85489-077-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Democracy and human rights in the United Kingdom. 2. Criminal justice and human rights. 3. Racism in England and Wales. 4. Northern Ireland : human rights and the peace dividend. 5. Women's rights, human rights. 6. Lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. 7. Access denied : human rights and disabled people. 8. Mental health. 9. Migrants refugees and asylum-seekers. 10. Censored : freedom of expression and human rights. 11. Human rights in the workplace. INDEX WORDS:
110. | Meijers, H. ... [et al.] : Democracy, migrants and police in the European Union, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Democracy, migrants and police in the European Union : the 1996 IGC and beyond / Meijers, H. ... [et al.], 196 p.. - Utrecht : FORUM, 1997. ISBN 90-5714-011-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Introduction, by H. Meijers. 2. The principle of open government in Schengen and the European Union : democratic retrogression?, by D. Curtin and H. Meijers. 3. The European Court of Justice and the third pillar, by C. A. Groenendijk. 4. Europol, who is watching you, by A: H. Klip. 5. Prologue, by B. G. Tahzib, Who is a "refugee", by H. Meijers, R. fernhout and T. Spijkerboer. 6. Minimum guarantees for asylum procedures, by A. Terlouw and P. Boeles. 7. Forced repatriation : towards minimum guarantees for repatriation treaties, by H. Meijers, R. Fernhout and A. Terlouw. 8. Memorandum regarding Readmission Agreements (Standing Committee of Experts in international immigration, refugee and criminal law). 9. Proposals for the amendment of the Treaty on European Union at the IGC in 1996 (Standing Committee of Experts in international immigration, refugee and criminal law). INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; CAT; ECHR; ICCPR; Dublin convention; CAT; Refugee convention; ICCPR; Schengen convention; |
111. | Rehof, Lars Adam : Article 12, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Article 12 / Rehof, Lars Adam REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The universal declaration of human rights : a common standard of achievement / Alfredsson, G.; Eide, A.; (eds.), p. 251-264. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 1999. ISBN 90-411-1168-9 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
112. | Strandell, Malin : Internationella förpliktelser för EU.s medlemsstater gällande deras nationella upphovsrättsliga skydd för datorprogram, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Internationella förpliktelser för EU.s medlemsstater gällande deras nationella upphovsrättsliga skydd för datorprogram / Strandell, Malin, 110 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi. Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1998. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): Avhandling pro gradu i folkrätt (master's thesis in public international law) NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen/Assistentrummet |
113. | Morrison, Fred L. : Sex, lies and taxes, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Sex, lies and taxes : new internet law in the United States / Morrison, Fred L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: German yearbook of international law (GYIL) = Jahrbuch für internationales Recht : 1998 : vol. 41 : Focus section : International law in the information age : the law and policy of communication regulation, p. 84-100. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1999. - ISSN 0344-3094 ISBN 3-428-0900-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
114. | Mahkonen, Sami : Oikeus yksityisyyteen, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Oikeus yksityisyyteen / Mahkonen, Sami, 159 p.. - Helsinki : Werner Söderström Lakitieto, 1997. ISBN 951-670-015-2 LANGUAGE: FIn ABSTRACT: Sisältö:. 1. Yksityisyys. 2. Oikeudellinen normitus. 3. Eristyneisyys ja sosiaalisuus. 4. Koskemattomuus ja luoksepäästävyys. 5. Itsemäärääminen ja yhteisöllisyys. 6. Salaaminen ja julkisuus. 7. Kannanotot. INDEX WORDS:
115. | Biondi, Andrea : The flexible citizen, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The flexible citizen : individual protection after the treaty of Amsterdam / Biondi, Andrea REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European public law : vol. 5; issue 2., p. 245-267. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999. - ISSN 1354-3725 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
116. | PART V : The protection of cultural property, human genetics and the environment, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART V : The protection of cultural property, human genetics and the environment / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Reflections on international law from the low countries in honour of Paul de Waart / Denters, E.; Schrijver, N. (eds.), p. 347-416. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1998. ISBN 90-411-0503-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 22. The application of the Unidroit convention on stolen or illegally exported cultural objects in relations between member states of the European Union, by Jan A. Winter. 23. Citizen's rights and human rights in the fields of human genetics and embryologyy : a survey, by Marc Cogen. 24. Ecospace rights : sharing or dividing, by Joyeeta Gupta. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium / Netherlands / France / United Kingdom / USA / Ireland / Greece NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Vienna declaration and programme of action; Beijing declaration and platform for action; UNESCO Draft universal declaration on the human genome and human rights; Framework convention on climate change (FCCC); Rio declaration; UN charter; |
117. | Weeramantry, C. G. : Justice without frontiers, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Justice without frontiers : protecting human rights in the age of technology : volume 2 / Weeramantry, C. G., xii, 684 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1998. ISBN 90-411-1098-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART A: GENERAL PERSPECTIVES. PART B: SPECIFIC PROBLEM AREAS. PART C: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVES. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Nuremberg charter; Dai Dong declaration; Stockholm declaration, Genocide convention; Cocoyoc declaration; Declaration on the use of scientific and technological progress; Oi Committee declaration; Proclamation of Teheran; UN charter; UDHR; Code of ethics relating to torture; |
118. | Viljanen, Veli-Pekka : III : YKSITTÄISET PERUSOIKEUDET : Yksityiselämän suoja (PL 10§), 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph III : YKSITTÄISET PERUSOIKEUDET : Yksityiselämän suoja (PL 10§) / Viljanen, Veli-Pekka REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Perusoikeudet / Hallberg, P. ... [et al.] - ( Oikeuden perusteokset), p. 333-352. - Helsinki : WSOY, 1999. ISBN 951-6700-006-3 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
119. | Alston, Philip (ed.) : The EU and human rights, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The EU and human rights / Alston, Philip (ed.) ; with the assistance of Mara Bustelo and James Heenan, xxiii, 946 p.. - London : Oxford U. P., 1999. ISBN 0-19-829809-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. A. INTRODUCTION:. 1. An 'ever closer Union' in need of a human rights policy : the European Union and human rights, by Philip Alston and J. H.H. Weiler. B. SOME PHILOSOPHICAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS POLICIES WITHIN EUROPE:. 2. Is there a European approach to human rights?, by Charles Leben. 3. The effect of rights on political culture, by Martti Koskenniemi. 4. The legacies of injustices and fear : a European approach to human rights and their effects on political culture, by Klaus Günther. C. THE HUMAN RIGHTS CONTEXT WITHIN WHICH THE EUROEPAN FUNCTIONS:. 5. A human rights policy for the European Community and Union : the question of competences, by J.H.H. Weiler and S. C. Fries. 6. Human rights and the third pillar, by Steve Peers. 7. Access to justice as human righ : the European convention and the European Union, by Carol Harlow. 8. Gender equality in the EU : a balance sheet, by Catherine Barnard. 9. The human rights of people with disabilities under EU law, by Gerad Quinn. 10. The internal and external 'ther' in the Union legal order : racism, religious intolerance and xenophobia in Europe, by Conor A. Gearty. 11. Non-communitarians : refugee and asylum policies, by Gregor Noll and Jens Vedsted-Hansen. 12. The quest for a consistent set of rules govering the status of non-Community nationals, by Blanca Vila Costa. D. SOCIAL RIGHTS : EUROPEAN UNION PERSPECTIVES:. 13. Striking the elusive balance between economic freedom and social rights in the EU, by Miguel Poiares Maduro. 14. From Strasbourg to Amsterdam : prospects for the convergence of European social rights policy, by Silvana Sciarra. E. ADDITIONAL CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE:. 15. Human rights and European identity : the debate about European citizenship, by Ulf Bernitz and Hedvig Lokrantz Bernitz. 16. The future of environmental rights in the European Union, by Pavlos Z. Eleftheriadis. F. HUMAN RIGHTS IN EXTERNAL RELATIONS:. 17. Holding multinational coprorations accountable for human rights abuses : a challenge for the EC, by Menno T. Kamminga. 18. Human rights considerations in the development co-operation activities of the EC, by Bruno Simma, Jo Beatrix and Constanze Schulte. 19. Where is the EU's human rights common foreign policy and how is it manifested in multilateral fora?, by Andrew Clapham. G. HUMAN RIGHTS 'Conditionality', BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL: 20. Human rights 'conditionality' in relation to entry to, and full participation in, the EU, by Manfred Nowak. 21. Trade preferences and human rights, by Barbara Bandtner and Allan Rosas. ALSO AS OFF-PRINT. 22. Human rights clauses in external agreements of the EC, by Eibe Riedel and Martin Will. H. THE ROLE OF KEY INSTITUTIONS AND ACTORS:. 23. Human rights case law in the Strasbourg and Luxembourg courts : conflicts, inconsistencies and complmentarities, by Dean Spielmann. 24. New instruments and institutions for enhancing the protection of human rights in Europe? by Giorgio Gaja. 25. The role of the European Parliament : past and future, by Reinhard Rack and Stefan Lausegger. 26. Reflections on the human rights role of the European Parliament, by Kieran St C. Bradley. 27. The past and future role of the European Court of Justice in the protection of human rights, by Bruno de Witte. 28. Human rights and civil society, by Emmanuel Decaux. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Lomé convention; ToA; Social charter; CEDAW; Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen; ESC; ICCPR; Schengen agreement; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; European charter for regional or minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
120. | Solyom, Laszlo : Constitutional judiciary in a new democracy, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Constitutional judiciary in a new democracy : the Hungarian constitutional court / Solyom, Laszlo ; Brunner, Georg ; with a foreword by Stephen G. Breyer , x, 417 p.. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2000. ISBN 0-472-10965-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: Foreword: Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court, by Stephen G. Breyer. 1. Introduction to the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Hungary, by Laszlo Solyorn. 2Structure and Proceedings of the Hungarian Constitutional Judiciary, by Ge org Brunner. 3.Selected Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Hungary. 4. On Trade Union Representation. 5. On Compensation for Expropriated Property: "Compensation Case 1". 6. On Capital Punishment. 7. On the Use of Personal Data and the Personal Identification. 8. In the Matter of the Petition on Compensation: "Compensation Case II". 9. On Presidential Powers . 10. On Legal Guardians and on the Family Act. 11. On the Regulation of Abortion. 12. On the Protest of Illegality. 13. On Powers Ex Nunc. 14. On Retroactive Criminal Legislation. 15. On the Freedom of Expression. 16. On the Media. 17. On the Restitution of Church Property. 18. On the Restitution of Jewish Possessions. 19. On War Crimes and on Crimes against Humanity. 20. On Local Government Apartments. 21. On the Freedom of Enterprise and on the Licensing of Taxis. 22. On Environmental Protection. 23. On Background Checks for Those in Public Office. INDEX WORDS: