51. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Husö biologiska station och vattenforskning på Åland / Ea Maria Blomqvist, Erik
- Ingår i: Finlands natur (1995) 4, s. 8-11. |
52. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Miljöriskbedömning och analys av skärgårdsgradienter : strategier för
miljöövervakning, och exempel från den åländska skärgården / Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Miljöövervakning och eutrofiering i kust- och skärgård / red. Ea Maria Blomqvist. - Mariehamn : Nordiska ministerrådets skärgårdsamarbete, 1995, s. 44-54. - (Rapport / Nordiska rådets skärgårdssamarbete, ISSN 1103-2324 ; 1995, 1). ISBN 951-53-0267-6 |
53. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
[Rec. av] The brackish-water fauna of Northwestern Europe (R. S. K. Barnes,
1994, Cambridge University Press, 287 pp) / E. Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, ISSN 0022-0981, 188 (1995) s. 146-148. |
54. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Structuring zoobenthos : the importance of predation, cropping and physical
disturbance / E. Bonsdorff, A. Norkko, E. Sandberg.
- Ingår i: Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, ISSN 0022-0981, 192 (1995) s. 125-144. |
55. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Altered benthic prey-availability due to episodic oxygen deficiency caused by
drifting algal mats / A. Norkko and E. Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Marine ecology, ISSN 0173-9565, 17 (1996) s. 355-372. |
56. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Apical growth-measurements of Fucus vesiculosus L. : limited value in
monitoring / E. Bonsdorff and W. G. Nelson.
- Ingår i: Botanica marina, ISSN 0006-8055, 39 (1996) s. 129-132. |
57. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Characterization of soft-bottom benthic habitats of the Åland Islands, northern
Baltic Sea / E. Bonsdorff...[et al.].
- Ingår i: Marine ecology : progress series, ISSN 0171-8630, 142 (1996) s. 235-245. |
58. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Effects of predation and oxygen deficiency on different age classes of the
amphipod Monoporeia affinis / Eva Sandberg, Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Journal of sea research, ISSN 1385-1101, 35 (1996) 4, s. 345-351. |
59. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
The effects of reduced oxygen content on predation and cropping by the brown
shrimp, Crangon crangon / Eva Sanberg, Minna Tallqvist, Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Marine ecology, ISSN 0173-9565, 17 (1996) 1-3, s. 411-423. |
60. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Food and feeding habits of juvenile flounder, Platichtys flesus (L.) and
turbot, Scopthalmus maximus (L.) in the Åland archipelago, northern Baltic Sea
/ K. Aarnio, E. Bonsdorff and N. Rosenback.
- Ingår i: Journal of sea research, ISSN 1385-1101, 36 (1996) s. 311-320. |
61. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Population responses of coastal zoobenthos to stress induced by drifting algal
mats / A. Norkko and E. Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Marine ecology : progress series, ISSN 0171-8630, 140 (1996) s. 141-151. |
62. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Rapid zoobenthic community responses to accumulations of drifting algae / A.
Norkko and E. Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Marine ecology : progress series, ISSN 0171-8630, 131 (1996) s. 143-157. |
63. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Recruitment and population maintenance of the bivalve Macoma balthica (L.) :
factors affecting settling success and early survival on shallow sandy bottoms
/ E. Bonsdorff, A. Norkko, C. Boström.
- Ingår i: Biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters : proceedings of the 28th European Marine biology symposium, Instiitute of Marine biology of Crete, Iraklio 1993 / ed. by Anastasios Eleftheriou, Alan D. Ansell and Cristopher J. Smith. - Fredensborg : Olsen & Olsen, 1995, s. 253-260. |
64. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Coastal eutrophication : causes, consequences and perspectives in the
archipelago areas of the northern Baltic Sea / E. Bonsdorff ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Estuarine coastal and shelf science, ISSN 0272-7714, 44 (1997) s. 63-72. |
65. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Coastal eutrophication - causes, consequences and perspectives : N Baltic Sea /
E. Bonsdorff ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Strategies and methods in coastal and estuarine management / M. J. Costello ... [et al.]. - [S.l.] : Wiley, 1996, s. 132. Programme and abstracts of the 25th annual symposium of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association, September 1995, Environmental Sciences Unit, Trinity College, Dublin. |
66. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
The diet and feeding behaviour of flounder Platichthys flesus (L.) in NW Åland
archipelago, Baltic Sea / Vincent Westberg, Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems : biological, physical and (geo)-chemical features and processes : responses to altered environmental conditions : abstracts presented at BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997 in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997 / editors: Ea Maria Blomqvist & Minna Tallqvist. - [Mariehamn] : BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997, 1997, s. 78. A joint symposium by The Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) & The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). ISBN 952-12-0015-4 |
67. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Drift algal mats : field and laboratory studies of occurrence, biomass, species
composition and decomposition / Annika Holmström, Alf Norkko, Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems : biological, physical and (geo)-chemical features and processes : responses to altered environmental conditions : abstracts presented at BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997 in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997 / editors: Ea Maria Blomqvist & Minna Tallqvist. - [Mariehamn] : BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997, 1997, s. 43. A joint symposium by The Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) & The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). ISBN 952-12-0015-4 |
68. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Drifting algal mats and coastal zoobenthos : experiences from the northern
Baltic Sea / Alf Norkko, Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems : biological, physical and (geo)-chemical features and processes : responses to altered environmental conditions : abstracts presented at BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997 in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997 / editors: Ea Maria Blomqvist & Minna Tallqvist. - [Mariehamn] : BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997, 1997, s. 58. A joint symposium by The Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) & The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). ISBN 952-12-0015-4 |
69. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Drivande trådalgsmattor i våra skärgårdsvatten : ett eutrofiinducerat hot mot
miljön / A. Norkko, E. Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Fiskeritidskrift för Finland : organ för Fiskeriföreningen i Finland, ISSN 0015-3125, 41 (1997) 4, s. 4-6 & 26. |
70. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Ecological responses to environmental gradients : the northern Baltic
archipelago system / Erik Bonsdorff ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems : biological, physical and (geo)-chemical features and processes : responses to altered environmental conditions : abstracts presented at BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997 in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997 / editors: Ea Maria Blomqvist & Minna Tallqvist. - [Mariehamn] : BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997, 1997, s. 3. A joint symposium by The Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) & The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). ISBN 952-12-0015-4 |
71. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Long-term changes and coastal eutrophication : examples from the Åland islands
and the Archipelago Sea, N. Baltic Sea / E. Bonsdorff ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Oceanologica acta = Revue européenne d'océanologie, ISSN 0399-1784, 20 (1997) s. 319-329. |
72. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Long-term changes in an eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) community in the northern
Baltic Sea / Christoffer Boström ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems : biological, physical and (geo)-chemical features and processes : responses to altered environmental conditions : abstracts presented at BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997 in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997 / editors: Ea Maria Blomqvist & Minna Tallqvist. - [Mariehamn] : BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997, 1997, s. 35. A joint symposium by The Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) & The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). ISBN 952-12-0015-4 |
73. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Passing the gut of juvenile flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.) : differential
survival of zoobenthic prey species / K. Aarnio, E. Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Marine biology : international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters, ISSN 0025-3162, 129 (1997) s. 11-14. |
74. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan vesiekosysteemit / Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Luonnon tutkija, ISSN 0024-7383, 100 (1996) 5, s. 75-79. |
75. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Temporal and spatial occurrence of macrofauna in drifting algal mats in the
Åland archipelago, northern Baltic Sea / Joanna Genberg, Erik Bonsdorff.
- Ingår i: Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems : biological, physical and (geo)-chemical features and processes : responses to altered environmental conditions : abstracts presented at BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997 in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, 9-13 June 1997 / editors: Ea Maria Blomqvist & Minna Tallqvist. - [Mariehamn] : BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium 1997, 1997, s. 42. A joint symposium by The Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) & The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). ISBN 952-12-0015-4 |
76. | Bonsdorff, Erik / Institutionen för biologi |
Temporal and spatial variation of dominant pelagic Copepoda (Crustacea) in the
Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean) / I. Vuorinen ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Polar biology, ISSN 0722-4060, 18 (1997) s. 280-291. |