1. | Evans, Andrew : The law of the European Community including the EEA agreement, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The law of the European Community including the EEA agreement / Evans, Andrew, lvii, 276 p.. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1994. ISBN 90-6544-854-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Protocol on Social policy; Lomé conventions; SEA; LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
2. | Dehousse, Renaud (ed.) : Europe after Maastricht, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Europe after Maastricht : an ever closer union? / Dehousse, Renaud (ed.) - ( Law books in Europe) - München : Beck, 1994. ISBN 3-406-38342-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Preface by Emile Noel (From Community to Union; A New Institutional Balance?). 2. European Economic Law, the Nation-State and the Maastricht Treaty, by Christian Joges. 3. Monetary Union: a Metaphor for European Union, by Francis Snyder. 4. Community Competences: Are there Limits to Growth?, by Renaud Dehousse. 5. European Citizenship: Its Meaning, its Potential, by Hans Ulrich Jessurun d'Oliveria. 6. Social Policy at the Crossroads, by Brian Bercusson. 7. How Common will Foreign and Security Policies Be?, by Roger Morgan. 8. Fin-de-siecle Europe, by Joseph H. H. Weiler. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU (full text including the consolidated EC treaty); LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
3. | Koskenniemi, Martti : Kansainväliset pakotteet ja Suomi, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kansainväliset pakotteet ja Suomi : ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan alaan kuuluvat ei-sotilaalliset sanktiot ja niiden käytantöönpano Suomessa / Koskenniemi, Martti, xv, 402 p.. - Helsinki : Lakimiesliiton kustannus, 1994. ISBN 951-640-705-6 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Ethiopia / Italy / South Rhodesia / South Africa / Iraq / Former Yugoslavia / Haiti / Libya / East Africa / North Africa NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; |
4. | Fink-Hooijer, Florika : The common foreign and security police of the European Union, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The common foreign and security police of the European Union / Fink-Hooijer, Florika REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European journal of international law [EJIL] = Journal europén de droit international : vol. 5; no. 2., p. 173-198. - München : C. H. Beck, 1994. - ISSN 0938-5428 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
5. | Edwards, Geoffrey : European political co-operation 1989-91, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series European political co-operation 1989-91 / Edwards, Geoffrey ; Hill, Christopher REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law 1991; vol. 11 / Barav, A.; Wyatt, D. A. (eds.), p. 489-520. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1992. ISBN 0-19-825779-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; Charter of Paris |
6. | Hartley, Trevor C. : The foundations of European Community law , 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The foundations of European Community law : an introduction to the constitutional and administrative law of the European Community / Hartley, Trevor C.. - 3rd ed.. - (Clarendon law series), lvi, 518 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1994. ISBN 0-19-87632-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Greenland NOTE (GENERAL): EC-treaty; ECHR; Lomé conventions; SEA; TEU; |
7. | Part I , 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part I : introduction / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The ratification of the Maastricht treaty : issues, debates and future implications / Laursen, F.; Vanhoonacker, S. (eds.) , p. 3-46. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1994. ISBN 0-7923-3125-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. From Maastricht to Karlsruhe : the long road to ratification, by Sophie Vanhoonacker. 2. The Maastricht treaty : what does it actually say and do, by Edward Best. INDEX WORDS:
8. | Part II, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part II : the main actors / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The ratification of the Maastricht treaty : issues, debates and future implications / Laursen, F.; Vanhoonacker, S. (eds.) , p. 47-294. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1994. ISBN 0-7923-3125-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1.Belgium and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, by Sophie Vanhoonacker. 2. Denmark and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, Finn Laursen. 3. Germany and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, by Rita Beuter. 4. Greece and the ratification of the Maastricht, by Kostas Koliopoulos. 5. The Netherlands and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, by Arthur den Hartog. 6. Portugal and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, by Clotilde Lopes Marinho. 7. The United Kingdom and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, by Edward Best. 8. The European Parliament and the ratification of the Maastricht treaty, by Sabine Mengelberg. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium / Denmark / Germany / Greece / Spain / France / Ireland / Italy / Luxembourg / Netherlands / Portugal / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): TEU LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
9. | Mathijsen, P. S. R. F. : A guide to European Union law, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph A guide to European Union law / Mathijsen, P. S. R. F.. - 6th ed.., lxviii, 413 p.. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1995. ISBN 0-421-51230-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
10. | Hannikainen,Lauri : The continued validity of the demilitarised and neutralised status of the Åland Islands, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The continued validity of the demilitarised and neutralised status of the Åland Islands / Hannikainen,Lauri REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : Bd. 54; no. 3-4., p. 614-651. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1994. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Norway LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands Spitsbergen NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; TEU |
11. | Human rights news, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Human rights news / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights : vol. 12; no. 1., p. 35-90. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1994. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. United Nations, by Manfred Nowak, Jacqueline Smith. 2. Council of Europe, by Leo Zwaak. 3. European Community, by Johannes van der Klaauw. 4. CSCE, by Arie Bloed. 5. Inter-American system, by Cecilia Medina. 6. Africa, by Wolfgang Benedek. 7. Asia, by Hans Goderbauer. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Rwanda / Slovak Republic / Hungary / Canada / Netherlands / USA / China / Austria / Turkey / Indonesia / Peru / El Salvador / Sudan / Costa Rica / Latvia / Georgia / Macedonia / Albania / Philippines / Indonesia / Central Africa / East Africa NOTE (GENERAL): AMR; ACHPR; ICCPR-OP; Canadian charter of human rights; ECHR; CAT; ECHR-3-5-10-14-26-64; Lomé conventions; |
12. | Human rights news, 1993 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Human rights news / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights : vol. 11; no. 4., p. 469-488. - Deventer : Kluwer, 1993. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. United Nations, by Manfred Nowak. 2. Council of Europe, by C. M. Chinkin. 3. European Community, by Johannes van der Klaauw. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Former Yugoslavia NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR-OP; CERD; CEDAW; ECHR-6-8-10-13-14; EC treaty; IV Lomé convention; |
13. | Wallin, Stefan : Europeiska Unionen, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Europeiska Unionen : försvars- och säkerhetspolitik / Wallin, Stefan - ( Europakompendium ; 6), 34 p.. - Åbo : Fortbildningscentralen vid Åbo Akademi, 1994. ISBN 951-650-375-6 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
14. | Cameron, Fraser : The European Union and the OSCE, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The European Union and the OSCE : future roles and challenges / Cameron, Fraser REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Helsinki monitor : quarterly on security and coopertaion in Europe : vol. 6; no. 2., p. 21-31. - Utrecht : Netherlands Helsinki Comité, 1995. - ISSN 0925-0972 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): This article is based on a paper that was presented at a conference of the International Studies Association in Chicago, [19950200], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): Charter of Paris |
15. | Neuhold, Hans Peter : Perspectives of Austria's membership in the European Union, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Perspectives of Austria's membership in the European Union / Neuhold, Hans Peter REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: German yearbook of international law (GYIL) : 1994 : vol. 37, p. 9-39. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1995. - ISSN 0344-3094 ISBN 3-428-08150 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Austria NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Art. 224-238 (EEC); UN charter |
16. | Edwards, Geoffrey : Common foreign and security policy, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Common foreign and security policy / Edwards, Geoffrey REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law 1993 : vol. 13, p. 497-510. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1994. ISBN 0-19-825781-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
17. | Martin Estebanez, Maria Amor : The protection of national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The protection of national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities / Martin Estebanez, Maria Amor REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The European Union and human rights / Neuwahl, N. A.; Rosas, A. (eds.) - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 42), p. 133-164. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. ISBN 90-411-0124-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: United Kingdom / Finland LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ICCPR-27; Declaration on the rights of minorities; TEU; European charter for regional or minority languages |
18. | Napoli, Daniela : The European Union's foreign policy and human rights, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The European Union's foreign policy and human rights / Napoli, Daniela REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The European Union and human rights / Neuwahl, N. A.; Rosas, A. (eds.) - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 42), p. 297-312. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. ISBN 90-411-0124-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Art.F(1)-F(2) TEU; Art. 130 TEU; SEA; ECHR |
19. | Dietz, Wolfgang A. : Das Räderwerk der Europäischen Kommission, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Das Räderwerk der Europäischen Kommission : Strukturen, Zuständigkeiten, Entscheidungswege, Adressen / Dietz, Wolfgang A. ; Glatthaar, Christiane. - 2nd. rev. ed.. - (Unternehmenspraxis in der EU ; Bd 10), xii, 197 p.. - Bonn : Economica verlag, 1994. ISBN 3-87081-193-5 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Lomé conventions LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
20. | Siccama, Jan-Geert : The OSCE, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The OSCE : what will the adult look like? / Siccama, Jan-Geert REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Helsinki monitor : quarterly on security and cooperation in Europe : vol. 6; no. 4., p. 19-22. - Utrecht : Netherlands Helsinki Committee, 1995. - ISSN 0925-0972 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter-53 |
21. | Joutsamo, Kari : EU Maastrichtin jälkeen, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series EU Maastrichtin jälkeen / Joutsamo, Kari - (Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön tutkimuksia ja raportteja 1995 ; 121), iv, 163 p.. - Helsinki : Kauppa- ja Teollisuusministeriö, 1995. - ISSN 1236-2352 ISBN 951-739-075-0 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
22. | Finlands utgångspunkter och målsättningar vid Europeiska unioinens regeringskonferens år 1996, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Finlands utgångspunkter och målsättningar vid Europeiska unioinens regeringskonferens år 1996 : Statsrådets redogörelse till riksdagen 27.2.1996 / - (SRR 1996 ; 1), 26 p.. - Helsingfors : EDITA, 1996. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
23. | Law in humanitarian crises, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Law in humanitarian crises : access to victims : right to intervene or right to receive humanitarian assistance : volume II = Le droit face aux crises humanitaires : l'acces aux victimes : droit d'ingérence ou droit a l'assistance humanitaire? /, 246 p.. - Brussels : ECSC-EC-EAEC, 1995. ISBN 92-827-5339-5 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. L'acces aux victimes : droit d'ingérence ou droit d'assistance?, by Mario Bettati. 2. Humanitarian intervention and humanitarian assistance : an echo from the past and a prospect for the future, by Gerard J. Tanja. 3. Le droit a l'assistance humanitaire : a la recherche d'un équilibre entre les devoirs des autorités territoriales et les obligations des donateurs des secours humanitaires, by Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo. 4. Propos sur le droit a l'assistance, by Marie-José Domestici-Met INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Rwanda / Former / Yugoslavia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Central Africa NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; TEU; Charter of Paris; Helsinki final act; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
24. | Terpstra, Rienk : The OSCE code of conduct, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The OSCE code of conduct : setting new standards in the politico-military field? / Terpstra, Rienk REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Helsinki monitor : quarterly on security and cooperation in Europe : vol. 7; no. 1., p. 27-41. - Utrecht : Netherlands Helsinki Committee, 1996. - ISSN 0925-0972 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The Budapest Summit Declaration was adopted on 6 December 1994. Since then, the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Relations, which constitutes an important part of the document, has not exactly been at the centre of discussion within the military, political, diplomatic and academic establishments of Europe and North America. Nevertheless, this document is a potentially important instrument in furthering the cooperation in security-related areas in Europe and increasing the transparency of the defence policies of the participating states of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (osce). [2] It was for this reason that the German and Netherlands Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence and their respective academic institutions in Germany and the Netherlands, Ebenhausen and Clingendael, decided to conduct a series of seminars on the Code of Conduct. The most recent gathering was held on 11 and 12 December 1995, at which the document had to endure a heavy battering, especially from the academic community. This calls for a serious evaluation of the Code. Where does it come from, what exactly is it, what does it mean, where does it stand, what can it do? Without wanting to cut the ground from under the feet of the forthcoming Clingendael report of the Hague seminar, I will try to answer these questions sufficiently. The origins of the Code of Conduct Clearly the roots of the Code of Conduct lie in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, like every csce/osce document since then. Antecedents of the Code's provisions can be found in Chapters i (respect for sovereignty), ii (refraining from the use of force), iii (inviolability of frontiers), iv (territorial integrity), vi (peaceful settlement of disputes), vii (respect for human rights), ix (cooperation) and x (fulfilment of international obligations). [3] The first specific mention of Code-like commitments however, is paragraph 25 of the Moscow Document of October 1991. [4] INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Croatia / Germany / Eastern Europe NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Helsinki final act; Convention on the non-applicability of statutory limitations to war crimes and crimes against humanity; |
25. | Finland och regeringskonferensen 1996, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Finland och regeringskonferensen 1996 : riksdagens utrikesutskotts betänkande 26.4.1996 om statsrådets redogörelse "Finlands utgångspunkter och målsättningar vid Europeiska unionens regeringskonferens år 1996 / - (UtUB 7/1996 rd - SRR 1/1996 rd), 44 p.. - Helsingfors : Riksdagen, 1996. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
26. | Edwards, Geoffrey : Common foreign and security policy, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Common foreign and security policy / Edwards, Geoffrey REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law 1994 : 14 / Barav, A.; Wyatt, D. A. (eds.), p. 541-556. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995. ISBN 0-19-825782-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Rwanda / Former Yugoslavia / Central Africa NOTE (GENERAL): TEU LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
27. | van der Klaauw, Johannes : Human rights and the Inter-Governmental conference, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Human rights and the Inter-Governmental conference / van der Klaauw, Johannes REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights : vol. 14; no. 2., p. 211-218. - Utrecht : SIM, 1996. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
28. | Medvedev, Sergei : Venäjän Eurooppa-politiikka ja vuosien 1995-96 vaalit, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Venäjän Eurooppa-politiikka ja vuosien 1995-96 vaalit / Medvedev, Sergei REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Ulkopolitiikka - Utrikespolitik : no. 2., p. 4-16. - Helsinki : Ulkopoliittinen Instituutti, 1996. - ISSN 0501-0659 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Russian Federation |
29. | Rautava, Jouko : Kommentti , 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Kommentti : Venäjä ja EU:n vaihtoehdot - mystiikka vai faktoja / Rautava, Jouko ; Patomäki, Heikki REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Ulkopolitiikka - Utrikespolitik : no. 2., p. 17-21. - Helsinki : Ulkopoliittinen Instituutti, 1996. - ISSN 0501-0659 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Russian Federation |
30. | Hurd, Douglas : Developing the Common Foreign and Security Policy, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Developing the Common Foreign and Security Policy / Hurd, Douglas REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International affairs : vol. 70: no. 3., p. 421-428. - London : Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1994. - ISSN 0020-5850 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS: