1. | Eriksson, Lars D. : Utlänningslagsreformen i Finland , 1981 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Utlänningslagsreformen i Finland = The reform of the alien's act in Finland / Eriksson, Lars D. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland : No. 117., p. 81-90. - Helsinki : Juridiska föreningen i Finland (D), 1981. LANGUAGE: swe ABSTRACT: Förslag till ny utlänningslag gjordes år 1976, då den s.k. utlänningskommissionen tillsattes.Den avgav sitt betänkande 1978.Den väsentligaste reformiden var att Finland skulle få en utlänningslag i stället för en förordning.Inrikesministeriet tillsatte en arbetsgrupp, som avgav ett förbättrat förslag 1980. Artikeln granskar förslaget till utlänningslag till den del det är av betydelse ur flyktingrättslig synpunkt.Rätten till asyl och flyktingförklaring diskuteras. A proposition for a new Aliens Law was made in 1979 when the so-called Aliens Commission was appointed.The Commission gave its report in 1978.The most essential reform idea was that Finland should get an Aliens Law instead of an Act.The Ministry of Interior appointed a working team which presented an improved proposition in 1980.The article studies the proposition from the point of view of refugee jurisdiction.The right to asylum and refugee declaration is discussed. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
2. | Eriksson, Lars D. : Utvisning ur landet: författnings- och förvaltningsrättsliga synpunkter administrative law, 1980 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Utvisning ur landet: författnings- och förvaltningsrättsliga synpunkter administrative law = Expulsion : aspects of Finnish constitutional law / Eriksson, Lars D. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland : No. 116., p. 12-30. - Helsinki : Juridiska föreningen i Finland (D), 1980. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: Artikeln utgår från utvisningsstadgandena i utlänningsförordningens 34 paragraf (förpassning) och 35 paragrafen (utvisning), Artikeln ger statistiska uppgifter om antalet förpassningar och utvisningar i Finland under år 1976. Utvisningsproblematiken studeras ur statsförfattningsrättslig och ur förvaltningsrättslig synpunkt.Dessutom diskuteras utvisning av politiska flyktingar. The article starts by a presentation of the expulsion regulations in the 34th paragraph (non-refoulement) and the 35th paragraph (expulsion).The article presents statistical figures on the number of non-refoulement cases and expulsion in Finland during 1976.The expulsion problem is studied from the the point of view of constitutional and administrative jurisdiction.Furthermore, the expulsion of political prisoners is discussed. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
3. | Jahn, Eberhard : Recent developments in the international protection of refugees, with particular reference to asylum and related problems ., 1981 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Recent developments in the international protection of refugees, with particular reference to asylum and related problems . / Jahn, Eberhard REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland : No. 117., p. 32-46. - Helsinki : Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1981. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The refugee convention was adopted in 1951.The Nordic states became parties to it in 1952 (Denmark), in 1953 (Norway), in 1954 (Sweden) and in 1968 (Finland).All these countries made important reservations in ratifying the convention, particularly with regard to the social Iights of refugees.In 1960, 27 states had ratified the convention, in 1981 had 83 done it. Particularly in Asia and the Middle East have the majority of countries not ratified the convention.The executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme established a special Sub-committee of the whole on international Pprotection to deal with certain technical aspects of the High Commissioner's protection work.The Sub-committee was dealt with four items: non-refoulement, expulsion of refugees, asylum and determination of refugee status.With conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): The refugee convention |
4. | Melander, Göran : Frihetsberövande såsom åtgärd riktad mot asylsökande och flykting , 1981 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Frihetsberövande såsom åtgärd riktad mot asylsökande och flykting = Deprivation of liberty as proceeding against asylum-seeker and refugee / Melander, Göran REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland : No. 117., p.65-76. - Helsinki : Juridiska föreningen i Finland (D), 1981. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: Artikeln utgår från att FN-konventionen om medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter föreskriver att ingen må godtyckligt anhållas eller fängslas samt att ett frihetsberövande endast får äga rum i sådan ordning, som föreskrives i lag (artikel 9). Förf. redogör först för regler om frihetsberövande i internationella överenskommelser och därefter för regler om frihetsberövande i nationell rätt.Artikeln slutar med en undersökning av förhållandena i Sverige. The writer begins by stating that according to the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, no one should be arrested or imprisoned unwarrantably, and deprivation of liberty may be carried out only in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law (article 9).The author discusses the provisions concerning deprivation of liberty in international law.The article concludes with a presentation of a research on the situation in Sweden. INDEX WORDS:
5. | Pellonpää, Matti : Expulsion and the Refugee Convention, 1981 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Expulsion and the Refugee Convention / Pellonpää, Matti REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): JFT = Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland : No. 117., p.47-64. - Helsinki : Juridiska föreningen i Finland; Juridiska Föreningen i Finland (D), 1981. - ISSN 0040-6953 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: In the Refugee Convention the protection against involuntary removal from the country of refugee is afforded by Articles 32 and 33.In the present article it is the main intention to cast light on the conditions on which convention refugees residing (permanently or temporarily) in the territory of a contracting state in accordance with Articles 32 and 33.With regard to the latter article, however, some more general problems concerning the scape of provision, such as the relationship between the principle of non-refoulement and extradition treaties will also be discussed. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 NOTE (GENERAL): The refugee convention |
6. | Pakolaisneuvontapiste, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Pakolaisneuvontapiste / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Oikeus : No. 17., p. 445. - Helsinki : Suomen demokraattiset lakimiehet & Oikeus- ja yhteiskuntatieteellinen yhdistys (D), 1988. - ISSN 0356-4037 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Pakolaisneuvontapiste on avattu Helsingissä.Neuvontapiste syntyi monien eri tahojen yhteistyöllä, mukana m.m.Demla, Suomen Ppkolaisapu, ev.lut.kirkko, Ulkomaalaisyhdistys, HYY, SYL jne.Toimintansa neuvontapiste rahoittaa ensi vuoden loppuun asti pääosin kirkon yhteisvastuukeräysvaroilla. An information office for refugee matters has been opened in Helsinki.The information office is a result of the cooperation of many different sources; Demla, Suomen Pakolaisapu, the Lutheran Church, the Aliens Association, Helsingin Yliopisto, Suomen Ylioppilasliitto, etc.The information office finances its work with money from the "yhteisvastuukeräys" (shared responsibility campaign) arranged by the church. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
7. | Waris, Heikki : Aikamme maailman pakolaisongelma, 1976 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Aikamme maailman pakolaisongelma / Waris, Heikki, 60 p.. - Porvoo : WSOY (D), 1976. ISBN 951 0 07532 9 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Kirjan tarkoituksena on tarjota yleistajuista tietoa pakolaisongelmasta eri puolilla maailmaa 1970-luvulla ja selvittää "pakolainen"-käsitteen sisältöä. Kirjassa käsitellään myöskin pakolaisuuden historiaa, pakolaisongelman eri ratkaisuja sekä pakolaisavun elimiä. The book aims at offering popular information on the refugee problem in various parts of the world in the 1970s.It tries to clarify the content of the concept "refugee".The book also presents a review of the history of refugees, and it discusses various solutions to the refugee problem and refugee aid. INDEX WORDS:
8. | Pellonpää, Matti : Expulsion in international law, a study in international aliens law and human rights with special reference to Finland, 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Expulsion in international law, a study in international aliens law and human rights with special reference to Finland / Pellonpää, Matti - (Dissertiones Humanorum Litterarum ; No. 39), 508 p.. - Helsinki : Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (D), 1984. - ISSN 0066-2011 ISBN 951 41 0473 0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to set out the contents of international law on the expulsion of aliens, and how far public international law imposes some ultimate limits on national discretion.National laws are presented as a comparative illustration of how the international standards are realised in every-day life and as evidence of the contents of these standards.Further topics covered are expulsion of refugees and stateless persons, procedure and manner of expulsion, decisionmaking procedures in expulsion, international controls of the alien and human rights. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 NOTE (THESIS): (Dr.iur.)University of Helsinki, 19840211 (T), reviewed in Lakimies 1985 (83:3) |
9. | Hakovirta, Harto : Ihmisoikeudet ja maailman pakolaisongelma, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Ihmisoikeudet ja maailman pakolaisongelma / Hakovirta, Harto REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Kansainväliset ihmisoikeudet / Helminen, M.; Lång, K.J. (eds.), p. 141 - 165. - Helsinki : Lakimiesliiton kustannus (D), 1987. ISBN 951 640 349 2 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Artikkeli käsittelee maailman nykyistä pakolaisongelmaa, ihmisoikeuksien loukkauksia pakolaisuuden selityksessä sekä pakolaisongelman ratkaisemista ja hallinnan mahdollisuuksia. The article deals with the global refugee problem, human rights violations in refugee declaration and the solving of the refugee problem. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: universal : 0 |
10. | Hakovirta, Harto : Third world conflicts and refugeeism, 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Third world conflicts and refugeeism / Hakovirta, Harto - (Commentationes Scientarium Socialium ; No. 32), 160 p.. - Helsinki : Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (D), 1986. - ISSN 0355-256X ISBN 951 653 140 7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The study aims at shedding further light on the nature of the world refugee problem in terms of major dimensions and trends as well as the dynamics of causation. INDEX WORDS:
11. | Fredman, Markku (ed.) : Oikeutta ulkomaalaisille, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Oikeutta ulkomaalaisille / Fredman, Markku (ed.) - (Preesens-sarja), 205 p.. - Helsinki : Gaudeamus (D), 1989. ISBN 951 662 473 1 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Kirjan tarkoituksena on edistää ulkomaalaislainsäädännön liberalisointia. Ohjenuoraksi on otettu yksilön oikeusturva ja aito kansainvälistyminen. Kirjassa tarkastellaan ulkomaalaiselämää Suomessa; ulkomaalaispolitiikkaa ja - lainsäädäntöä; Suomen, Euroopan ja maailman pakolaisiin liittyviä kysymyksiä; oikeusturvaa sekä vuoden 1987 aikana noussutta ulkomaalaiskeskustelua. The purpose of the book is to promote the liberalization of the legislation on aliens.The quiding principles are legal protection of individuals and internationalization.The book deals with the life of aliens in Finland, alien policy and legislation on aliens; questions concerning refugees in Finland, Europe and the whole world; legal protection and the disscussion about aliens which arose in 1987. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
12. | Rosas, Allan : Det internationella skyddet av mänskliga rättigheter med beaktande av flyktingars ställning, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Det internationella skyddet av mänskliga rättigheter med beaktande av flyktingars ställning / Rosas, Allan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Flyktingboken. - pp. 107-116 - Ekenäs : Folkets Bildningsförbund (D), 1988. ISBN 951 95455 5 7 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: I artikeln ges en historisk bakgrund till utvecklingen av mänskliga rättigheter, de olika kategorierna av mänskliga rättigheter de internationella konventionerna och organen refereras.Vidare behandlas FN:s flyktingkommissariat och flyktingkonventionen. The articles gives a historical background to the development of human rights and describes the different categories of human rights, the international conventions and organs.The UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Convention on Refugeees are also discussed. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: universal : 0 NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; ICESCR; ECHR; Refugee convention |
13. | Eriksson, Lars D. : Avpolitisera flyktingpolitiken!, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Avpolitisera flyktingpolitiken! / Eriksson, Lars D. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Flyktingboken. - pp. 47-54 - Ekenäs : Folkets Bildningsförbund (D), 1988. ISBN 951 95455 5 7 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: Artikeln behandlar Finlands officiella flyktingpolitik och huruvida mottagandet av kvotflyktingar och spontanflyktingar är en politisk-ekonomisk fråga.Författaren understryker att flyktingverksamheten främst är humanitär verksamhet och således bör avpolitiseras. The article deals with the official Finnish refugee policy and discusses the question whether refugees constitute a political and economic problem.The author emphasizes the fact that taking refugees is first and foremost a humanitarian activity and should thus be made non-political. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
14. | Jessen-Petersen, Soren : Flyktingarna i ett nordiskt perspektiv, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Flyktingarna i ett nordiskt perspektiv / Jessen-Petersen, Soren REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Hur tackla rasismen : föreläsningar om mänskliga rättigheter och rasism. - p. 48-50 - Åbo ; Turku : Åbo Akademi. Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 1988. ISBN 951 649 466 8 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: I artikeln behandlas fyra aspekter av en flyktingsituation: 1) Grundorsakerna till flyktingskap (root causes) 2) Transit 3) asyl och bosättning i tredje land 4) Ekonomiskt bidrag. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nordic countries : 8002 |
15. | Rosas, Allan : Varför tar Finland emot så få flyktingar, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Varför tar Finland emot så få flyktingar / Rosas, Allan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Mennesker og rettigheter : nordisk tidsskrift om menneskerettigheter : No. 2., p.13-15. - Oslo : Institutt for menneskerettigheter = Norwegian Institute of human rights (D), 1987. - ISSN 0800-0735 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: I artikeln diskuteras bakgrunden till den finländska flyktingpolitiken och den attitydsvängning som lett till en del nya initiativ. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
16. | Söderling, Ismo : Suomen pakolaisuuspolitiikka etsii muotoaan , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Suomen pakolaisuuspolitiikka etsii muotoaan = Finnish refugee policy in search for a course / Söderling, Ismo REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Ulkopolitiikka = Utrikespolitik : No. 4., p.41-47. - Helsinki : Ulkopoliittinen instituutti = utrikespolitiska institutet, 1988. - ISSN 0501-1659 ; 0501-0659 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Söderling tarkastaa artikkelissaan Suomen pakolaisuuden historialliset lähtökohdat; pakolaisuus-käsitettä; pakolaisuuden ratkaisumallit; Suomen vastaanottamat pakolaiset toisen maailmansodan jälkeen; pakolaisuutta ja hallinnon toimivuutta; pakolaisten integroituminen Suomen ja tulevaisuuden näkymiä. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
17. | Vietnamin ja Kamputsean pakolaisten asema ja ongelmat Suomessa , 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Vietnamin ja Kamputsean pakolaisten asema ja ongelmat Suomessa = The position and problems of Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees in Finland / - (Suomen virallinen tilasto : sosiaalisia erikoistutkimuksia = Official statistics of Finland : special social studies (SVT : XXXII) ; No.109), 165 p.. - Helsinki : Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö = Ministry of social affairs and health; Valtion painatuskeskus = Statens tryckericentral = Government printing centre, 1986. - ISSN 0071-5336 ISBN 951 46 9558 5 LANGUAGE: FIN, SWE, ENG ABSTRACT: The study investigates how refugees from Vietnam and Cambodia have adjusted to life in Finland, the refugee's main problems and the succesfulness of refugee services. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 NOTE (GENERAL): English summary.Sammandrag |
18. | Niemi-Kiesiläinen, Johanna : Pakolaisoikeus, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Pakolaisoikeus / Niemi-Kiesiläinen, Johanna - (Helsingin Yliopiston julkisoikeuden laitoksen julkaisuja, D ; No.7), 192 p.. - Helsinki : Helsingin Yliopisto (D), 1989. - ISSN 0785-4129 ISBN 951 45 4967 8 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on valottaa kansainvälistä pakolaisoikeutta, sen suhdetta vallitsevaan todellisuuteen ja Suomen kansalliseen lainsäädäntöön. Tutkimus pyrkii arvioimaan, mitä vaatimuksia kansainvälinen oikeus asettaa kansallisen oikeuden mukaiselle turvapaikkamenettelylle ja pakolaisten kohtelulle.Samalla kartoitetaan konkreettisella tasolla kansainvälisen oikeuden "raja-alueita" INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Universal : 8222 / 0 NOTE (GENERAL): Suomen Akatemian tutkimushanke "Oikeuden rajat" |
19. | Koistinen, Anne : Pohjoismaiset pakolaistutkimukset , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Pohjoismaiset pakolaistutkimukset : virikkeitä suomalaiseen tutkimustoimintaan = Nordiska flyktingundersökningar : impulser för den finska forskningsverksamheten = Nordic refugee studies : stimulus for Finnish research / Koistinen, Anne - (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö : suunnitteluosasto : julkaisuja = Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet : planeringsavdelningen = Ministry of social affairs and health : publications. ; No.4), 184 p.. - Helsinki : Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö = Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet = Ministry of social affairs and health; Valtion painatuskeskus, 1988. - ISSN 0784-0853 ISBN 951 47 2252 3 LANGUAGE: FIN, SWE, ENG ABSTRACT: The study regards the current state of refugee placement activities and research concerning refugees in the Nordic countries.The study includes research topics regarding the situation of refugees and foreigners living in Finland asnd a list of Nordic literature on the subject of refugees. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nordic countries : 8002 |
20. | Recueil de conventions, accords et arrangements internationaux concernant les refugies., 1970 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Recueil de conventions, accords et arrangements internationaux concernant les refugies. /, 288 p.. - s.l. : UNHER, 1970. LANGUAGE: FRE ABSTRACT: Cet ouvrage constitue déun reseau déinstrument intergouvernementaux concernant les refugies.Parmi les instruments mentionnes dans léouvrage il y a des accords internationaux déune caractere universel, des conventions, accords et recommendations europeens et deux accords extra-europeens dont une qui concerne léAfrique et léautre les pays Americains. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Universal : 0 NOTE (GENERAL): a léoccasion du 25ieme anniversaire de la fondation de léO.N.U. |
21. | Kuosma, Tapio : Maasta karkottamisesta rikokseen syyllistymisen perusteella, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Maasta karkottamisesta rikokseen syyllistymisen perusteella / Kuosma, Tapio REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Lakimies : suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen aikakauskirja : No. 85(6)., p. 655-661. - Helsinki : Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys (D), 1987. LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Tässä kirjoituksessa käsitellään ulkomaalaisen maasta karkottamista rikokseen syyllistymisen perusteella.Kysymystä tarkastellaan ulkomaalaislain no. 400 / 1983 (jäljempänä : UML) ja korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden (KHO) ratkaisukäytännön valossa. INDEX WORDS:
22. | Afrique, terre des refugies que faire ?, 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Afrique, terre des refugies que faire ? /, 210 p.. - Paris : LéHarmattan, 1984 . ISBN 2 85802 334 4 LANGUAGE: FRE ABSTRACT: Un livre sur la situation des refugies en Afrique.Déabord le probleme est vu sur un plan historique et statistique, en suite les causes et les responsabilites generales et enfin les causes et les responsabilites specifiques sont etudies. INDEX WORDS:
23. | Aiboni, Sam Amaize : Protection of refugees in Africa, 1978 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Protection of refugees in Africa : vol. 3 / Aiboni, Sam Amaize, 163 p.. - Uppsala : Swedish Institute of International Law, 1978. ISBN 91 506 0171 7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The study is an attempt to clarify the refugee's status and grade of protection.The author stresses the fact that even if UNHCR is the principal provider of international protection in the world at large, both regional organizations as well as the states play an important role. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa : 5000 NOTE (THESIS): (Dr.iur.) - University of Uppsala (1978) (T) |
24. | Melander, Göran (ed.) : African refugees and the law, 1978 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph African refugees and the law / Melander, Göran (ed.) ; Nobel, Peter, 98 p.. - Uppsala : Scandinavian Instituet of African Studies, 1978. ISBN 91 7106 128 2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The roceedings of the seminar on the consultation on legal aspects of the refugee problem, held in Uppsala 1977, are presented.The purpose of the seminar was to define and discuss certain problems and areas of concern rather than ending in conclusions.The book contains 7 articles covering all areas of the African refugee problem. INDEX WORDS:
25. | Bulcha, Mekuria : Flight and integration :, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Flight and integration : : causes of mass exodus from Ethiopia and problems of integration in the Sudan / Bulcha, Mekuria, 256 p. : ill. ; tab.. - Uppsala : Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1988. ISBN 91 7106 279 3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The book examines the problems facing refugees in the Horn of Africa.The roots of the refugee producing conflicts is in the formation of Ethiopia as an empire.Subjective motives for the flight and objective conditions prevailing at the time of flight and the integration in the Sudan society is examined. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Ethiopia / Sudan / East Africa : 5227 / 5259 |
26. | Smith, Teresa K. (ed.) : Al-Mukhtufin (the disappeared) , 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Al-Mukhtufin (the disappeared) : a report on disappearances in Western Sahara / Smith, Teresa K. (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: War and refugees : the Western Saharan conflict / Lawless, R.; Monhahan, L. (eds.), p.139-193. - London : Pinter, 1987. ISBN 0 86187 900 7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: In the third part of the book, refugees and human rights are discussed.The authors examine problems such as disappearances in Western Sahara, the Saharawi refugees : origins and organization, lessons and prospect, and women in the Western Sahara. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: West Africa : 5500 |
27. | Bothe, Michael ... (et al.) : Part 2 : Practical and legal problems, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part 2 : Practical and legal problems / Bothe, Michael ... (et al.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Assisting the victims of armed conflict and other disasters / Kalshoven, F., p. 91-163. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1989. ISBN 0 7923 0163 3 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE ABSTRACT: In the second part of this book practical and legal problems are examined. Important subjects discussed are : relief actions and the position of the recipient state, rights and duties of the agencies involved in providing humanitarian assistance and their personnel in armed conflict, the correct use and misuse of the emblem of the Red Cross or the Red Half-moon, special features of the assistance and protection of children as victims of armed conflict, protection of children during armed conflicts, humanitarian assistance to the Tamils in Sri Lanka and the condition of refugees from situations of armed conflict and serious internal disturbance. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): International conference on humanitarian assistance in armed conflict, the Hague (19880622) (C) NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Refugee Convention; |
28. | Österling, Maj-Siri (ed.) : Att ta emot flyktingar , 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Att ta emot flyktingar : studiehandledning / Österling, Maj-Siri (ed.), 80 p.. - Norrköping : Statens Invandrarverk (D), 1984. LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: Publikationen är del III i ett samlingsverk om tre delar om flyktingar och flyktingmottagning, utgivna av statens invandrarverk.Del III är en studiehandledning till de två första delarna, avsedd att användas i studiecirklar. INDEX WORDS:
29. | Beetham, David ... [et al.] : International IDEA handbook on democracy assessment, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International IDEA handbook on democracy assessment / Beetham, David ... [et al.], 144 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. ISBN 90-411-1727-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
30. | Clark, Roger Stenson : A United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 1972 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph A United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / Clark, Roger Stenson, 186 p.. - The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1972. ISBN 90 247 1297 1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The object of this study is to examine the High Commissioner proposal in its context as a part of the international movement for human rights.Subjects discussed are: the background and history of a proposal; the details of the High Commissioner's activities that seem to be encompassed in the loose language employed in the ECOSOC draft ; administrative matters ; the "legality" of the Office ; and the General Assembly's power to establish a Commissioner by resolution and the role of the High Commissioner as essentially a law promoter rather than a protector is discussed. INDEX WORDS: