1. | Equilibrium studies of synthetic and natural chelating resins / Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry |
2. | Monitoring of trace elements in wood by TTPIXE / Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry |
3. | Polyelectrolytes and electrochemically active membranes / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
4. | Nya polyolefin katalysatorer och polymerer / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
5. | Ironcatalyzed ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
6. | Adsorption of cationic starch on mechanical pulp / Laboratory of Paper Chemistry |
7. | Size reversal in alkaline papermaking / Laboratory of Paper Chemistry |
8. | Adsorption of cationic polyacrylamide on mechanical pulp / Laboratory of Paper Chemistry |
9. | Mechanisms that govern fiber flocculation / Laboratory of Paper Chemistry |
10. | Characterization of groundwood fractions / Laboratory of Pulping Technology |
11. | Mechanisms of mechanical fibrering / Laboratory of Pulping Technology |
12. | Development of the IDE-pulping concept / Laboratory of Pulping Technology |
13. | Dissolved and colloidal substances in papermaking / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
14. | Dissolved and colloidal substances and microbiological activity in papermaking / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
15. | On-line analytical techniques for dissolved and colloidal substances in papermaking process waters / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
16. | Persistent and bioaccumulating substances in water systems and effluents of modern pulp and paper mills / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
17. | Effects of wood polymers and extractives on the adsorption of wet-end chemicals and the properties of the paper sheet / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
18. | Effects of the surface chemistry on paper properties of mechanical pulps / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
19. | Characterization of mechanical pulps by aid of pectinase enzymes / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
20. | Mechanisms of grindning and refining / Laboratory of Pulping Technology |
21. | Liekki 2 coordination project / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
22. | Abatement of emissions from small-scale combustion of biofuels / Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry |
23. | Modified ZSM-catalysts - synthesis and application / Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry |
24. | LeaNOx development for lean burn cars and diesel trucks. / Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry |
25. | Paper production in closed water systems / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
26. | Flows of detrimental substances on paper machines / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
27. | Reduction of metals, phosphorous and nitrogen in chemico-physical waste water process by water plants / Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry |
28. | Study on electrically conducting polymers and their application in optical devices and in sensors / Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry |
29. | The influence of wood polymers and extractives on the adsorption of wet-end chemicals and the properties of the sheet / Laboratory of Paper Chemistry |
30. | Membranes for medical applications / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
31. | Reactions of coating components in the dispersion / Laboratory of Paper Chemistry |
32. | Enzymes for treatment of paper mill circulation waters / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
33. | Melt-polymerization in a pressure reactor / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
34. | Biodegradable polyesters by ring-opening polymerization - Development of new initiator systems / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
35. | Flödescytometri för snabb karakterisering av kolloidala partiklar i processvatten i pappersbruk / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
36. | Biopolymer dispersions / Laboratory of Polymer Technology |
37. | Chemical microanalysis of wood tissues and fibres / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
38. | Flöden och fasfördelning för extraktivämnen i moderna blekerier / Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry |
39. | CFD Modelling of Turbulent Reacting Flows / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
40. | Modeling Tools for Further Reduction of Emissions from Fluidized Bed Combustors / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
41. | Investigation of New Technologies for Reduction of N2O Emission from CFB Combustion / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
42. | Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Wood Chip Grate Furnaces / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
43. | Development of Selective Oxidation Technology for NOx Emission Reduction in Gasification Power Plants / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
44. | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling of Wood Log Combustion in Fireplaces / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
45. | A Chemical Model for Gas-Liquid Reactions for Flue Gas Scrubbers and Kraft Recovery Liquors / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
46. | Ash Behavior Predictor for Biomass Combustion in Fluidised Bed Boilers / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
47. | Operational Problems, Trace Emissions and By-product Managment for Industrial Co-combustion. Ash Chemistry and Behavior in Advanced Co-combustion / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
48. | NEDO International Joint Project on Ash Behavior Control in Entrained Bed Coal Gasification / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
49. | Sulphate Chemistry under Pressurised Oxidising, Reducing and Fluctuating Conditions / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |
50. | Improved and Cost Efficient Technologies for the Gasification of Energy Crops (ITEC). Ash Chemistry and Behaviour During Gasification of Energy Crops / Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU |