1. | Development of the fish disease prophylaxis and -therapy in fish farms in the Archipelago Sea / The Institute of Parasitology |
2. | DNA-adducts in fish liver as biomarkers for monitoring of the aquatic environment / The Institute of Parasitology |
3. | Immunomodulation in rainbow trout / The Institute of Parasitology |
4. | Reproduction disturbances in Baltic fish / The Institute of Parasitology |
5. | The development of cellular models in aquatic toxicology / Dept. of Biology |
6. | The effects of amphiphiles on membrane related functions and processes / Dept. of Biology |
7. | Membrane vesiculation in human erythrocytes / Dept. of Biology |
8. | The utility of a hard bottom mesocosmos for ecological hazard assessment / Dept. of Biology |
9. | Late-orogenic Svecofennian deformation in SW-Finland ; implications from pegmatite emplacement and U-Pb columbite-tantalite ages / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
10. | The formation of early proterozoic crust in southern Finland : a tentative chronology / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
11. | Magmatic probes through Archean and proterozoic crust in the Svecofennian shield / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
12. | The use of macrophytes for monitoring archipelago waters / Dept. of Biology |
14. | Lipid domains in model and biological membranes / Dept. of Biochemistry and Pharmacy |
15. | Development of measurement and control systems for bioreactors / Centre for Biotechnology in Turku/Åbo |
16. | Effects of toxic cyanobacteria on inter- and intraspecific relations in Cladocera / Dept. of Biology |
17. | Structural and functional studies of membranes and enzymes acting at membrane interfaces / Dept. of Biochemistry and Pharmacy |
18. | Surface modification of glassfibres / Dept. of Physical Chemistry |
19. | Correct Component Software / Dept. of Computer Science |
20. | Introduced species in the Baltic and Black Sea / Dept. of Biology |
21. | Ergodicity of certain Markov chains and iterated function systems / Dept. of Matehematics |
22. | ACID-ASTRA: asynchronous circuit design : a stepwise refinement approach / Dept. of Computer Science |
23. | Dimension stone / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
24. | Recovery of coastal water from pollution / Dept. of Biology |
25. | Reproduction disturbances in roach from the Archipelago Sea / The Institute of Parasitology |
26. | Epidemiology and virulence of the bacterium Flexibacter psychrophilus isolated from farmed salmonids / The Institute of Parasitology |
27. | The nervous system and asexual multiplication / Dept. of Biology |
28. | Theoretical Studies on the Chemistry of Noble Gases / Dept. of Physical Chemistry |
29. | Ecology of marine invasions and introductions - functional biodiversity in Zostera marina communities / Dept. of Biology |
30. | Histaminergic mechanisms in the brain / Dept. of Biology |
31. | Neuropeptide FF and pain regulation / Dept. of Biology |
32. | Geological, geochemical and hydrochemical causes of fish damage in watercourses in the Quark area / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
33. | Red tides: Factors regulating production of Heterocapsa triquetra and fate and environmental effects of the biomass / Dept. of Biology |
34. | Effects of eutrophicated seawater on rocky shore / Dept. of Biology |
35. | Risk assessment of alien organisms in the Nordic area / Dept. of Biology |
36. | Aquatic biodiversity, eutrophication and habitat value / Dept. of Biology |
37. | Effects of eutrophication on fish-prey interactions in shallow archipelago areas / Dept. of Biology |
38. | Transmission mechanisms of the bacterium Flexibacter psychrophilus in rainbow trout / The Institute of Parasitology |
39. | Base metals in the Attu-Orijärvi ore province / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
40. | Surface structure of wood microfibrils / Dept. of Physical Chemistry |
41. | Graduate School: Informational and Structural Biology / Dept. of Biochemistry and Pharmacy |
42. | The influence of thermochemical treatment on the surface morphology of wood fibres / Dept. of Physical Chemistry |
43. | Imaging of biological signal transduction processes / Dept. of Biochemistry and Pharmacy |
44. | Bioinformational attack on superfamily modelling and drug discovery / Dept. of Biochemistry and Pharmacy |
45. | The calibration of scanning probe microscopes / Dept. of Physical Chemistry |
46. | 14C dating of lime mortar / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
47. | Analysis of geological samples using TTPIXE/PIGE / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
48. | Functional molecules in organic thin films biochemical production and physico-chemical characterisation / Dept. of Physical Chemistry |
49. | Magmatic Probes through the Crust / Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy |
50. | Synthesis of fluorescent nucleoside derivatives and their incorporation in oligonucleotides / Dept. of Organic Chemistry |