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Findoc: the search term indexes=('foreign relations') results in 3 hits

1. Cannizzaro, Enzo (ed.) : The European Union as an actor in international relations, 2002


The European Union as an actor in international relations / Cannizzaro, Enzo (ed.), xvi, 345 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002.

ISBN 90-411-1771-7


ABSTRACT: Introduction; E. Cannizzaro. Part One: Decision-Making Procedures of the EU in the Field of International Relations. 1. The Decision-Making Processes of the European Community in External Relations; F. Pocar. 2. Les processus de décision de la PESC: Vers une politique étrangère européenne? E. Decaux. 3. Overlaps between European Community Competence and European Union Foreign Policy Activity; R. Baratta. 4. Les relations extérieures de l'Union économique et monétaire; J.-V. Louis. 5. Democratic Control of International Relations of the European Union; R. Bieber. 6. Trends in Judicial Activism and Judicial Self-Restraint relating to Community Agreements; G. Gaja. 7. The Foreign Relations Law of EU between Supranationality and Intergovernmental Model; A. Tizzano. Part Two: The Legal Position of the EU in the Field of International Relations. 1. Restraints on the Treaty-Making Powers of Member States Deriving from EU Law: Towards a Framework for Analysis; J. Klabbers. 2. The International Responsibility of the European Union; C. Tomuschat. International Responsibility of the European Community and of the Member States under Mixed Agreements; E. Neframi. 3. Sanctions, Countermeasures and Related Actions in the External Relations of the European Union: A Search for Legal Frameworks; E. Paasivirta, A. Rosas. Reactions by the European Union to Breaches of Erga Omnes Obligations; P. Palchetti. 4. EU's Membership of International Organizations; S. Marchisio. The Relations between the European Community and the International Labour Organization; L. Cavicchioli. The Relations between the European Union and the OSCE in Crisis Management; G. Nesi. 5. The European Community and the Law of the Sea Convention: New Developments; T. Treves. 6. The Scope of EU Foreign Power. Is the EC Competent to Conclude Agreements with Third States including Human Rights Clauses? E. Cannizzaro. 7. International Activities of the European Union and Sovereignty of Member States; E.-U. Petersmann.

* EU = EU = EU
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* beslutsfattande = decision-making = päätöksenteko
* erga omnes = erga omnes = erga omnes
* brott mot folkrätten = breach of international law = kansainvälisen oikeuden rikkomus
* internationella relationer = foreign relations = kansainväliset suhteet


URL http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/90-411-1771-7

2. Reinisch, August (ed.) : The law of international relations, 2007


The law of international relations : liber amicorum Hanspeter Neuhold / Reinisch, August (ed.) ; Kriebaum, Ursula, xlii, 505 p.. - Utrecht : Eleven international publishing, 2007.

ISBN 90-77596-17-8


ABSTRACT: Contents:. International Legal Aspects of the Darfur Conflict Michael Bothe. The International Community and Non-State Actors Franz Cede. The Widely Forgotten Legacy of Max Hubers Sociology of International Law: International Relations and International Law Today. A Comment Jost Delbrück. History, Conceptions and Models of the International Legal Order. Lessons for the Future? Pierre-Marie Dupuy. Unions in Comparison: Can the EU and the United States Learn from Each Other? Peter Gerlich. The Legal Personality of International Organizations: The Political Context of International Law Gerhard Hafner, Joseph II, Thermodynamics, Voluntary Compliance and Other Thoughts: A Parable for Sustainable Development Peter Hardi. The European Fundamental Rights Agency Waldemar Hummer. Responsibility for Human Rights Violations: From International Responsibility to Domestic Implementation Wolfram Karl. Privatizing Human Rights. The Interface between International Investment Protection and Human Rights Ursula Kriebaum. International Environmental Agreements Compliance Mechanisms and Procedures at the Crossroads? Gerhard Loibl. A New World Order? Dieter Mahncke. The Worlds Most Complex Constitution: The Interim Constitutional Framework of the Sudan Fred L. Morrison. Europe Facing the Challenge of War and Peace. On Functions and Structures of the European Unions Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Anton Pelinka. Fighting Terrorism at a Global and European Level. Taking into Account Transatlantic Legal Issues Michael Postl. Confidential. Great Britain and Austrian Politics, 1975 Manfried Rauchensteiner. The International Relations of National Courts: A Discourse on International Law Norms on Jurisdictional and Enforcement Immunity August Reinisch. The Temelin Appeasement. A Microcosmic Case Study Manfred Rotter. Culture Seized by Globalization: Can International Law Be of Any Help? Reflections on Possible Future Legal Implications of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions Héléne Ruiz Fabri. Investment Protection and International Relations Christoph Schreuer. Human Rights and State Responsibility Bruno Simma. Legal or Religious Norms? A Personal Reflection Kurt R. Spillmann. Military Outsourcing as a Case Study in the Accountability and Responsibility of Power Daniel Thürer & Malcolm MacLaren. Foreign Policy Issues before Domestic Courts. The Rule of Law under Challenge Christian Tomuschat. Israel in the UN: Some False Beliefs László Valki. From the Ivory Tower to the Television Studio. Contributions of Academia to the European Debate Wolfgang Wessels. The Stability and Growth Pact: Does it Make Sense? Georg Winckler. Legitimacy in International Law Rüdiger Wolfrum. Is the Security Council the Sole Judge of its Own Legality? A Re-Examination Karl Zemanek.

* internationella relationer = foreign relations = kansainväliset suhteet
* internationella organisationer = international organizations = kansainväliset järjestöt

URL http://www.elevenpub.com/Publications/ShowPublications.aspx?id=inl

3. Cremona, Marise (ed.) : EU foreign relations law, 2008


EU foreign relations law : constitutional fundamentals : essays in European law / Cremona, Marise (ed.) ; de Witte, Bruno - (Essays in European law ; vol. 13), xv, 324 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2008.

ISBN 978-1-84113-757-5


ABSTRACT: Contents:. I. EU Foreign Relations: Law and Constitution. 1. Too much constitutional law in the European Union’s Foreign Relations?, by Bruno de Witte. II: Foreign Relations Law in a Multi-Pillar Era: 2. Much Ado About Pluto? The ‘Unity of the European Union Legal Order’ Revisited, Christoph Herrmann. 3. The Law and Practice of CFSP Joint Actions, Alan Dashwood. 4. Restraining External Competences of EU Member States under CFSP, Christophe Hillion and Ramses Wessell. III. The EU and its Member States: 5. Defending the Community Interest: the Duties of Cooperation and Compliance, by Marise Cremona. 6. Legal Basis and Delimitation of Competence in EU External Relations, by Panos Koutrakos. IV Executive Accountability: 7. Parliamentary Involvement in European International Relations, by Daniel Thym. 8. Fundamental What? The Difficult Relationship between Foreign Policy and Fundamental Rights, by Eleanor Spaventa. V EU Foreign Relations, Human Rights and International Law: 9. The Journey Towards All that is Good and Beautiful: Human Rights and ‘Common Values’ as Guiding Principles of EU Foreign Relations Law, by Päivi Leino. 10. Effects of International Agreements in the EU Legal Order, by Christine Kaddous.

* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* utvecklingssamarbete = development co-operation = kehitysyhteistyö
* diplomati = diplomacy = diplomatia
* jämlik behandling = equal treatment = tasa-arvoinen kohtelu
* EU = EU = EU
* miljöpolitik = environmental policy = ympäristöpolitiikka
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* internationella relationer = foreign relations = kansainväliset suhteet
* nationella domstolar = national courts = kansalliset tuomioistuimet
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* terrorister = terrorists = terroristit
* traktatkompetens = treaty-making competence = kelpoisuus solmia sopimuksia

NOTE (GENERAL): ToA; EU constitutional treaty; TEU; Rotterdam convention; SEA; Treaty of Lisbon; UN charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties;


URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841137575
