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Findoc: the search term indexes=('sexual minorities') results in 26 hits

1. Hapuli, Ritva : Naisia rakastavat naiset, 1989


Naisia rakastavat naiset / Hapuli, Ritva - (Tasa-arvojulkaisuja = Jämställdhetspublikationer.Sarja D. : Naistutkimusraportteja = Serie D : Kvinnoforskningsrapporter ; No.1), 89 p.. - Helsinki : Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö = Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet = Ministry of social affairs and health, 1989. - ISSN 0785-2967


ABSTRACT: Tutkielmassa selvitetään uuden sosiaalisen kategorian, lesbolaisuuden ja siihen liittyvän homoseksuaalisuuden muotoutumista ja kehittymistä vuosien 1880-1930 välisenä aikana.Pääpaino on lesbolaisuudessa, millaisena sitä määritellään, miksi tuli merkitykselliseksi leimata näitä naisia ja millaisia mahdollisuuksia tämä uusi kategoria on suonut vuosisadan alun lesboille.Toinen osa käsittää homoseksuaalisuuden historiallinen tausta ja teoriaa.

* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät


2. Palm-Risse, Martina : Der völkerrechtliche Schutz von Ehe und Familie, 1990


Der völkerrechtliche Schutz von Ehe und Familie / Palm-Risse, Martina - ( Schriften zum Völkerrecht ; No. 94), 411 p.. - Berlin; Duncker & Humblot, 1990 . - ISSN 0582-0251

ISBN 3 428 06939 0


* rätt att gifta sig = right to marry = oikeus solmia avioliitto
* internationella dokument = international instruments = kansainväliset asiakirjat
* regionala dokument = regional instruments = alueelliset asiakirjat
* respekt för familjeliv = respect for family life = perhe-elämän kunnioittaminen
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* barnets rättigheter = rights of the child = lapsen oikeudet
* familjerättigheter = family rights = perheoikeudet
* barn = children = lapset
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät

NOTE (GENERAL): Thesis (Dr.Jur.) - University of Bonn, 1989 / 90ICPR; UDHR; ECHR; ESC; OAS-charter; AMR; ACHPR

3. Rosenblum, Darren : Geographically sexual?, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Geographically sexual? : advancing Lesbian and Gay interests through proportional representation / Rosenblum, Darren

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Harvard civil rights - civil liberties law review : vol. 31; no. 1., p. 119-154. - Cambridge, MA : Harvard Law School, 1996. - ISSN 0017-8039


* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* lesbo = lesbians = lesbot
* homofiler = gay men = homot
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* politiskt deltagande = political participation = poliittinen osallistuminen
* rätt till arbete = right to work = oikeus työhön
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät


4. Räikkä, Juha (ed.) : Do we need minority rights, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Do we need minority rights : conceptual issues / Räikkä, Juha (ed.) - ( International studies in human rights ; vol. 46), 240 p.. - Hagie : Martinus Nijhoff, 1996.

ISBN 90-411-0309-0


ABSTRACT: The title of this volume is the critical and provocative question – do we need minority rights? – in order to announce that it does make sense to ask whether there are special obligations to minority protection. The following essays, none of which is published elsewhere, explore several of the many important philosophical questions about minority protection, as well as the practical and judicial problems related to certain answers. The first four essays concern minority rights within the theory of liberalism, while the last four focus on more detailed problems of minority protection.

* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* EU = EU = EU
* invandrare = immigrants = maahanmuuttajat
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* feminism = feminism = naisasialiike
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* politiskt deltagande = political participation = poliittinen osallistuminen
* självstyrelse = self-government = itsehallinto

5. Lenkova, Mariana (ed.) : Hate speech in the Balkans, 1998


Hate speech in the Balkans / Lenkova, Mariana (ed.), 130 p.. - Athens : ETEPE, 1998.

ISBN 960-86206-0-0


* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* religiösa minoriteter = religious minorities = uskonnolliset vähemmistöt
* muslimer = Muslims = muslimit
* slovener = Slovenes = sloveenit
* ungrare = Hungarians = unkarilaiset
* kroater = Croats = kroaatit
* albaner = Albanians = albaanit
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* antisemitism = anti-Semitism = antisemitismi
* romer = Roma = romanit
* serber = Serbs = serbit
* turkar = Turks = turkkilaiset
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* journalister = journalists = lehtimiehet
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* etnisk rensning = ethnic cleansing = etninen puhdistus
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Albania / Bosnia / Bulgaria / Croatia / Greece / Turkey / Kosovo / Macedonia / Montenegro / Romania / Serbia / SLovenia

URL http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/pdf/hatespeech.pdf

6. Lassen, Nina : Article 4, 1999

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

Article 4 / Lassen, Nina

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The universal declaration of human rights : a common standard of achievement / Alfredsson, G.; Eide, A.; (eds.), p. 103-120. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 1999.

ISBN 90-411-1168-9


* NF = LN = KL
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* handel med kvinnor = trafficking in women = naiskauppa
* tvångsarbete = forced labour = pakkotyö
* specialrapportör (kvinnor) = special rapporteur (women) = erityisraportoija (naiset)
* specialrapportör (barn) = special rapporteur (children) = erityisraportoija (lapset)
* barnprostitution = child prostitution = lapsiprostituutio
* barnpornografi = child pornography = lapsipornografia
* individuella klagomål = individual complaints = yksilövalitus
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nordic Countries / Sweden / Denmark / Norway / Finland

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR-4; Treaty of Paris; Declaration of Verona; Convention for the suppression of the traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the prostitution of others; ICCPR; ICESCR; CRC; Migrant workers convention; CEDAW; CRC; Declaration amd agenda for action (Stockholm); Slavery convention;

7. PART II: Specific themes, 1999

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

PART II: Specific themes /

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Non-discrimination law : comparative perspectives / Loenen, T.; Rodrigues, P.R. (eds.), p. 107-294. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999.

ISBN 0-411-1063-1


ABSTRACT: SPECIFIC GROUNDS OF DISCRIMINATION:. The article are:. 1. Discrimination entails comparison, by Michael Banton. 2. Religious liberty and non-discrimination, by Malcolm D. Evans. 3. Accommodating religious diversity in employment, by Bart C. Labuschagne. 4. Are the law of equality and the law of free speeche really on a collision course?, by Denise Meyerson. 5. Are indigenous rights for women too? Gender equality and indigenous rights in the Americas : the case of Surinam, by Ellen-rose Kambel. 6. Health inequalities - symptom of medicalisation and denial of equal opportunities?, by Aart Hendriks. ADVERSE IMPACT:. 1. Indirect discrimination : oscillating between containment and revolution, by Titia Loenen. 2. Indirect discrimination : a perspective from the United States, by Michael Selmi. 3. Adverse effect discrimination in Canada : crossing the Rubicon formal to substantive equality, by Beatrice Vizkelety. 4. Effects and justifications : or how to establish a prima facie case of indirect sex discrimination, by Ina Sjerps. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION:. 1. Affirmative action in comparative perspective : India and the United States, by Donald W. Jackson. 2. Affirmative action Canadian style : reflections on Canada's employment equity law, by John Hucker. 3. Preferential treatment in European Community law : current legal developments and the impact onnational practices, by Albertine G. Veldman.

* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* könsdiskriminering = gender discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* apartheid = apartheid = rotusorto
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus
* muslimer = Muslims = muslimit
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna (FN) = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea (YK)
* specialrapportör = special rapporteur = erityisraportoija
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* jämlik behandling = equal treatment = tasa-arvoinen kohtelu
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* ras = race = rotu
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* rätt till lika lön för lika arbete = equal remuneration = oikeus samaan palkkaan samasta työstä
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* feminism = feminism = naisasialiike
* landrättigheter = land ownership rights = maanomistusoikeus
* könsdiskriminering = gender discrimination = sukupuolisyrjintä
* genetik = genetics = genetiikka
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* etniska minoriteter = ethnic minorities = etniset vähemmistöt
* indirekt diskriminering = indirect discrimination = välillinen syrjintä
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö

NOTE (GENERAL): CERD; ICCPR-26; UDHR-2; ECHR-9-14; AMR-1-12; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief; Declaration on the elimination of religious intolerance; ACHPR- 16; Additional protocol to the American convention on human rights in the area of economic, social and cultural rights-10; CEDAW-12; CRC-24; Canadian charter of human rights;

8. Denys, Christine : Homosexuality, 1999

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Homosexuality : a non-issue in Community law? / Denys, Christine

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law review : vol. 24:4., p. 419-425. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1999. - ISSN 0307-5400


* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* EU = EU = EU
* registrerat partnerskap = registered partnership = parisuhteen virallistaminen
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* jämlik behandling = equal treatment = tasa-arvoinen kohtelu
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* transsexualism = transsexualism = transseksuaalisuus

NOTE (GENERAL): Art. 119 (EC treaty);


9. Baehr, Peter (ed.) : Innovation and inspiration , 1999


Innovation and inspiration : fifty years of the universal declaration of human rights / Baehr, Peter (ed.) ; Flinterman, Cees (ed.) ; Senders, Mignon (ed.) - (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen ; deel 178), viii, 238 p. . - Amsterdam : Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1999.

ISBN 90-6984-262-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Peter Baehr, Cees Flinterman and Mignon Senders : Introduction. 2. Theo van Boven : Fifty Years Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Balance and Challenges of the International Protection of Human Rights. 3. Rosalyn Higgins : The Continuing Universality of the Universal Declaration. 4. Michael Freeman : Fifty Years of Development of the Concept and Contents of Human Rights. 5. Katarina Tomasevski : Economic Costs of Human Rights. 6. Asbjörn Eide : Human Rights, Minority Rights and the Search for the National Contract. 7. Jack Donnelly : Non-Discrimination and Sexual Orientation: Making a Place for Sexual Minorities in the Global Human Rights Regime. 8. Rhoda E. Howard : Gay Rights and the Right to a Family: Conflicts Between Liberal and Illiberal Belief Systems. 9. Kevin Boyle : Indivisibility of Human Rights, Social Justice and Article 18 of the Universal Declaration. 10. Christian Tomuschat : Human rights and national truth commissions. 11. David P. Forsythe : Comparative foreign policy and human rights : the the United States and other democracies. 12. Abdullahi A. An-Na'im : The Position of Islamic States Regarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 13. Claudio Grossman : The Inter-American System of Human Rights and the New Hemispheric Reality. 14. Allan Rosas : The Role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Treaty Relations of the European Union. 15. David Weissbrodt : Concluding Remarks on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* sanningskommissioner = truth commissions = totuuskomissiot
* utrikespolitik = foreign policy = ulkopolitiikka
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* EU = EU = EU
* assimilering = assimilation = assimilaatio
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* rätt till utveckling = right to development = oikeus kehitykseen
* kvinnlig omskärelse = female circumcision = naisten ympärileikkaus
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* etnisk rensning = ethnic cleansing = etninen puhdistus
* god förvaltning = good governance = hyvä hallinto
* ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheter = economic, social and cultural rights = TSS-oikeudet
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* kollektiva rättigheter = collective rights = kollektiiviset oikeudet
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* u-hjälp = development aid = kehitysapu
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* muslimer = Muslims = muslimit
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* arbetslöshet = unemployment = työttömyys
* högkommissarie för mänskliga rättigheter = High Commissioner for Human Rights = ihmisoikeusvaltuutettu
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna (FN) = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea (YK)
* förespråkare för mänskliga rättigheter = human rights defenders = ihmisoikeuksien puolustajat
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* undantagstillstånd = state of emergency = hätätila
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Algeria / Argentina / Bangladesh / Belarus / Brazil / United Kingdom / Canada / Chile / China / Colombia / Costa Rica / Denmark / Egypt / El Salvador / France / Greece / Guatemala / Hungary / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Japan / Myanmar / Netherlands / Norway / Qatar / Rwanda / Russian Federation / Romania / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Sudan / Suriname / Sweden / Togo / Tunisia / Turkey / USA / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe / Syria

NOTE (MEETINGS): Proceedings of the Academy Colloquium on the occassion of the 50th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights, organized by the School of Human Rights Research and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Utrecht/Amsterdam, [19981210-19981212],[C]

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ESC; ADRD; AMR; CERD; ICCPR; ICESCR; Universal declaration of human responsibilities; Vienna declaration and programme of action; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief; TEU; Lomé convention;

10. Fottrell, Deirdre (ed.) : Minority and group rights in the new millennium, 1999


Minority and group rights in the new millennium / Fottrell, Deirdre (ed.) ; Bowring, Bill (ed.), xviii, 290 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1999.

ISBN 90-411-1013-5


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Multicultural citizenship : a more viable framework for minority rights, by Bill Bowring. 2. The construction and contingency of the minority concept, by Eric Heinze. 3. Of minors and minoroities. 4. Ascertaining a minority linguistic group : Ireland as a case-study, by Niamh Nic Shuibhne. 5. The European charter for regional or minority languages : some reflections from a Scottish Gaelic perspective, by Robert Dunbar. 6. Minority rights in Central and Eastern Europe : old dilemmas, new solutions?, by Istvan Pogany. 7. The human rights and minority rights of the Kurds, by Kerim Yildiz. 8. Ever decreasing circles : affirmative action and special measures under international law, by Deirdre Fottrell. 9. Educational rights and the definition of minorities, by Crispin Jones. 10. Problems in defining minorities, by John Packer.

* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* barn = children = lapset
* grupprättigheter = group rights = ryhmäoikeudet
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* politiskt deltagande = political participation = poliittinen osallistuminen
* kurder = Kurds = kurdit
* kollektiva rättigheter = collective rights = kollektiiviset oikeudet
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna (FN) = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea (YK)
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* politiska partier = political parties = poliittiset puolueet
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* ras = race = rotu
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* romer = Roma = romanit
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* rätt att deltaga = right to participate = oikeus osallistua
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Hungary / Ireland / USA / United Kingdom / Turkey


NOTE (GENERAL): UN draft on Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; ACHPR; European charter for regional or minority languages; European convention on the exercise of children's rights; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; CRC; Geneva conventions; UDHR; Convention on indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); ICCPR-27; ICESCR; Declaration on the rights of minorities; ECHR; Copenhagen document;

URL http://www.wkap.nl/book.htm/90-411-1013-5

11. Harel, Alon : Gay rights in Israel, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Gay rights in Israel : a new era? / Harel, Alon

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International journal of discrimination and the law : vol. 1; no. 3., p. 261-278. - Oxon : A B Academic publ., 1996. - ISSN 1358-2291


ABSTRACT: This article seeks to examine the current state of the law on affirmative action in the United States and Canada. Drawing upon developments at both a statutory and constitutional level it considers to what extent the law permits or requires measures to alter the composition of institutions to make them more representative in terms of race or gender. Its primary focus is on employment. It argues that constitutional provisions and judicial interpretation in Canada has been more sympathetic to affirmative action measures, especially in the past decade. After surveying the early development of affirmative action law in the United States it focuses on recent developments, notably the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and recent Supreme Court decisions such as the Adarand v Pena case, to examine the extent to which the scope for affirmative action measures has been reduced. In Canada the article con siders both Charter equality jurisprudence and statutory developments such as the Employment Equity Act of 1986. The article concludes by observing that the posi tion remains complex but that there is scope for affirmative action measures in both jurisdictions, perhaps more so in Canada where such measures do not require a backward looking, compensatory rationale. It also suggests that such measures may now have become well established in the human resources strategies of large corporations in both jurisdictions, rendering their disappearance unlikely.

* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö

12. Wuori, Matti (rapporteur) : Annual report on human rights in the world in 2000 and the European Union human rights policy, 2001

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Annual report on human rights in the world in 2000 and the European Union human rights policy / Wuori, Matti (rapporteur), 22 p.. - Brussels : European Parliament, 2001.


* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* etniska minoriteter = ethnic minorities = etniset vähemmistöt
* romer = Roma = romanit
* EU-utvidgning = EU-enlargement = EU-laajentuminen
* barnarbete = child labour = lapsityö
* barn = children = lapset
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset

NOTE (GENERAL): Convention on the worst forms of child labour (ILO convention no. 182); CRC-OP; CEDAW; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peroples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); Refugee convention; Protocol relating to the status of refugees;


13. Hastrup, Kirsten (ed.) : Discrimination and toleration, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Discrimination and toleration : new perspectives / Hastrup, Kirsten (ed.) ; Ulrich, George (ed.) - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 68), vi, 302 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002.

ISBN 90-411-1711-3


ABSTRACT: Introduction. 1. The Responsibility of Intellectuals; K. Hastrup. I: Spaces of Toleration. Introduction; K. Hastrup. 2. Offence: Literature in the Public Sphere; P. Madsen. 3. The Arrogation of Being by the Blind-Spot of Religion; E.V. Daniel. 4. From Temporary Protection to Permanent Residence: Bosnian Refugees in Scandinavia; B. Berg. 5. Toleration: Making Room for Difference; K. Hastrup. II: The Persistence of Race. Introduction; G. Ulrich. 6. Subverting the Cultural Logics of Marked and Unmarked Racisms in the Global Era; F.V. Harrison. After the Excess: Race, Racism and Reconciliation in Contemporary South Africa; Th.B. Hansen. 8. An Examination of Caste Discrimination in India; W.J.B. Fernando. 9. The Experience of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; Th. van Boven. 10. The Parakeets of Human Rights Standing; M. Kjærum. III: The Frontiers of Gender. Introduction; N. Rasmussen. 11. Gender and Sexuality: Difference, Rights and Toleration; S. Corrêa. 12. Sexual Orientation and International Law: A Study in the Manufacture of Cross-Cultural `Sensitivity'; E. Heinze. 13. Compliance with Reproductive Rights; R.J. Cook. 14. Sexual Violation and the Making of the Gendered Subject; V. Das. Epilogue. 15. Toleration Between Romanticism and Law; G. Ulrich. List of Contributors. Index

* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* sanningskommissioner = truth commissions = totuuskomissiot
* sexualitet = sexuality = seksuaalisuus
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* tolerans = tolerance = suvaitsevaisuus
* abort = abortion = abortti
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* hädelse = blasphemy = herjaus
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* barn = children = lapset
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* u-länder = developing countries = kehitysmaat
* handikappade barn = disabled children = vammaiset lapset
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* etik = ethics = etiikka
* etniska konflikter = ethnic conflicts = ethnic conflicts
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* familjeplanering = family planning = perhesuunnittelu
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* judeförintelsen = holocaust = juutalaisvaino
* antisemitism = anti-Semitism = antisemitismi
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* kvinnor = women = naiset

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; CEDAW-1; UNESCO declaration on principles of tolerance; ACHPR; AMR; CRC;

14. Human rights in Russian regions report 2001, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Human rights in Russian regions report 2001 /, xxvi, 479 p.. - Moscow : Moscow Helsinki Group, 2002.


ABSTRACT: TABLE OF CONTENS: Editor's Note. List of Regional Human Rights Organizations. Moscow Helsinki Group: Background and Contemporary, by N. Kostenko, T. Lokshina, S. Lukashevskiy. Introduction, by T. Lokshina, S. Lukashevskiy. ALL-RUSSIAN COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN 2001: Section 1 Respect for the Inviolability of the Person Political and Other Extrajudicial Murders, by G. Kuzovkin (“Memorial” Society. Disappearances of People, by G. Kuzovkin (“Memorial” Society. Freedom from Slavery, by G. Kuzovkin (“Memorial” Society). Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Including Arbitrary Arrests and Detentions), by A. Sokolov (“Memorial” Society. Denial of Fair Trial, by S. Nasonov (Independent Council of Legal Expertise). Refusal to Provide Guaranteed Non-Judicial Remedies of Infringed Rights, by S. Lukashevskiy. Unwarranted Invasion of Privacy and Surveillance of Correspondence, by A. Novikova. SECTION 2: Observance of Fundamental Civil Liberties Error! Bookmark not defined. Freedom of Speech and Access to Information, by A. Novikova. Bookmark not defined. Freedom of Belief, Conscience and Religion, by S. Lukashevskiy. Bookmark not defined. Freedom of Assembly and Associations, by A. Novikova. Bookmark not defined. Observance of the Rights of Refugees and Forced Migrants, by A. Novikova. Bookmark not defined. SECTION 3: Fundamental Political Rights Freedoms The Right to Fair Elections, A. Novikova. Bookmark not defined. The Ban on Propaganda of War and the Instigation of Discrimination and Violence, by A. Novikova. Bookmark not defined. SECTION 4:. The Status of the Most Vulnerable Groups and Violation of Their Rights The Situation of Ethnic Minorities, by A. Sokolov (“Memorial” Society. Bookmark not defined. The Situation of Prisoners, by N. Kostenko. Bookmark not defined. The Situation of Enlisted Servicemen, by N. Kostenko. Bookmark not defined. The Situation of Psychiatric Patients Yu. Savenko (Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia) Error! Bookmark not defined. The Situation of Sexual Minorities, by A. Sutyagin. Bookmark not defined. THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN THE CHECHEN REPUBLIC, by O. Trusevich. Bookmark not defined. DECENTRALIZATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA, by T. Lokshina, S. Lukashevskiy. OVERVIEW Of BASIC TRENDS IN THE EVOLUTION OF REGIONAL LEGISLATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, by S. Nasonov (Independent Council of Legal Expertise) Error! Bookmark not defined.

* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* val = elections = vaalit
* utsatta grupper = vulnerable groups = riskialttiit ryhmät
* etniska minoriteter = ethnic minorities = etniset vähemmistöt
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö

SHELF CODE: s Human rights

URL http://www.ihf-hr.org/reports/Russia/Report%202001/Section1.pdf
URL (full text)

15. Combating torture, 2003


Combating torture : a manual for action /, xvi, 335 p.. - London : Amnesty International, 2003.

ISBN 0-86210-323-1


* påtvingad abort = forced abortion = pakkoabortti
* afrikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* barn = children = lapset
* civilbefolkning = civilian population = siviiliväestö
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* hungerstrejk = hunger strike = nälkälakko
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* peremptory norms = jus cogens = jus cogens
* medicinsk behandling = medical treatment = lääkehoito
* mentalsjuka = mentally ill = mielisairaat
* avvisning = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* erga omnes = erga omnes = erga omnes
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* fångar = prisoners = vangit
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* prostitution = prostitution = prostituutio
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* sanningskommissioner = truth commissions = totuuskomissiot
* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = CAT Committee
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* offer = victims = uhrit
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* EU = EU = EU

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; ADRD; Arab charter on human rights; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam; Durban declaration and programme of action; ECPT; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; CERD; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; The statute of the ICC; CAT; CEDAW; CRC; Genocide convention; UDHR; Vienna declaration and programme of action;

URL http://web.amnesty.org/shop/index/ISBN_0862103231

16. II. Yksilön oikeudet ja oikeusasema sisämarkkinoilla , 2008

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series

II. Yksilön oikeudet ja oikeusasema sisämarkkinoilla = Individens rättigheter och rättsställning på den inre marknaden /

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yksilön oikeusasema Euroopan unionissa = Individens rättsställning inom Europeiska unionen : juhlakirja Allan Rosas = festskrift Allan Rosas / Kaila, H.; Pirjatanniemi,E.; Suksi, M. (toim.=red.), p. 195-418. - Turku/Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 2008.

ISBN 978-952-12-2051-7


ABSTRACT: ARTIKLAR:. 1. Euroopan unionin kansalaisuus, Heidi Kaila. 2. Perhe-elämän ja Euroopan unioni, Suvi Sankari. 3. Ammattiurheilijan oikeudet sisämarkkinoilla, Mikko Huttunen. 4. Arbetstagarens rätt till fackliga stridsåtgärder på EU:s inre marknad, Niklas Bruun. 5. Tjänsteleverantörens ställning i EG-rätten, Nina Nordström. 6. Itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja Euroopan yhteisön taloudellisen perustuslaillisuuden ytimessä, Markku Kiikeri. 7. Opiskelijoiden oikeudet ja oikeusasema sisämarkkinoilla, Veli-Pekka Paukku. 8. Eläkeläisenä Euroopan unionissa, Juha Raitio. 9. Turistin oikeudellinen asema Euroopan unionissa, Päivi Saarinen. 10. Potilaan oikeus hakeutua sairaanhoitoon valitsemaansa jäsenvaltioon - EY:n tuomioistuimen tulkintakannanotoista unionin ja jäsenvaltioden oikeudeksi, Maija Sakslin. 11. Brottsoffrets ställning inom Europeiska unionen, Elina Pirjatanniemi. 12. Ajankohtaista kuluttajansuojalainsäädännöstä Euroopan unionin sisämarkkinoilla, Elena Savia. 13. Likabehandlingsprincipen och andra principer vid tillämpning av EG-rätten på skatteområdet, Stig von Bahr. 14. Sijoittajat ja Suomi, Kauko Wikström. 15. Laiton maahanmuutto ja Euroopan unionissa laittomasti olekelevat kolmansien maiden kansalaiset, Eero Koskenniemi.

* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* EU = EU = EU
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* familjerättigheter = family rights = perheoikeudet
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* moderskapsledighet = maternity leave = äitiysloma
* barn = children = lapset
* skilsmässa = divorce = avioero
* professionell idrottsutövare = professional sportsman = ammattiurheilija
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* EU-rätt = EU law = Eu-oikeus
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* pension = pension = eläke
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rätt till lika lön för lika arbete = equal remuneration = oikeus samaan palkkaan samasta työstä
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* turism = tourism = turismi
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* patientens rättigheter = rights of the patient = potilaan oikeudet
* offer = victims = uhrit

NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty; Treaty of Lisbon; ToA; EU treaty;



17. Government report to Parliament on the human rights policy of Finland 2009, 2010


Government report to Parliament on the human rights policy of Finland 2009 = Statsrådets redogörelse för Riksdagen om Finlands politik för de mänskliga rättigheterna 2009 / - (Publications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 2009 ; 14), 196 p.. - Helsinki : Foreign Ministry = Utrikesministeriet, 2010. - ISSN 0358-1489

ISBN 978-951-724-793-1



* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* barn = children = lapset
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* EU = EU = EU
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* ratificering = ratification = ratifiointi
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* ESK-rättigheter = ESC rights = TSS-oikeudet
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* samer = Sami = saamelaiset
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* rätt att deltaga = right to participate = oikeus osallistua
* CERD Committee = CERd Committee = CERD Committee
* CPT Committee = CPT Committee = CPT Committee
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* rådet för mänskliga rättigheter = Human Rights Council = ihmisoikeusneuvosto (YK)
* rätt att använda sitt eget språk = right to use one's own language = right to use one's own language




URL http://formin.finland.fi/public/default.aspx?nodeid=42553&contentlan=3&culture=sv-FI

18. Larja, Liisa ... [et al.] : Discrimination in the Finnish labor market, 2012


Discrimination in the Finnish labor market : an overview and a field experiment on recruitment / Larja, Liisa ... [et al.], 209 p.. - Helsinki : Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 2012. - ISSN 1797-3554

ISBN 978-952-227-643-8


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: OVERVIEW OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH ON LABOR DISCRIMINATION AND A PROPOSAL FOR A MONITORING MODEL:. 1. Introduction. 2. Monitoring labor discrimination. 3. Labor discrimination in Finland in light of existing materials. 4. Proposal for a monitoring model for labor discrimination. PART II: FIELD EXPERIMENT ON ETHNIC AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN RECRUITMENT SITUATIONS:. 5. Situation testing. 6. Methods. 7. Results. 8. Discussion.

* arbetsmarknad = labour market = työmarkkinat
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* invandrare = immigrants = maahanmuuttajat
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* EU = EU = EU
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* etniska grupper = ethnic groups = etniset ryhmät


URL http://www.tem.fi/files/32827/TEMjul_16_2012_web.pdf

19. Kotiaho, Paavo : A study of the normative foundations for the de-criminalisation of homosexuality through the African human rights system, 2012

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

A study of the normative foundations for the de-criminalisation of homosexuality through the African human rights system / Kotiaho, Paavo, iv, 84 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi University. Department of Law., 2012.



* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* rätt till privatliv = right to privacy = oikeus yksityiselämään
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* homofobi = homophobia = homofobia

NOTE (THESIS): [MA] Master's thesis in public international law, Institute for Human Rights, [2012]

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ACHPR-27; CRC; ICCPR; ICJ statute; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICESCR; ECHR;

20. Brems, Eva : Diversity and European human rights, 2013


Diversity and European human rights : rewriting judgments of the ECHR / Brems, Eva, xvii, 480 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U.P., 2013.

ISBN 978-1-107-02660-5


ABSTRACT: PART I. CHILDREN:. 1. Rewriting V v. the United Kingdom: building on a groundbreaking standard, by Ursula Kilkelly. 2. Images of children in education: a critical reading of D. H. and Others v. The Czech Republic, by Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark. 3. Mainstreaming children's rights in migration litigation: Muskhadzhiyeva and Others v. Belgium, by Wouter Vandenhole and Julie Ryngaert. PART II. GENDER:. 4. Redrafting abortion rights under the Convention: A, B and C v. Ireland, by Patricia Londono. 5. A noble cause: a case study of discrimination, symbols and reciprocity Yofi, by Tirosh. 6. From inclusion to transformation: rewriting Konstantin Markin v. Russia, by Alexandra Timmer. PART III. RELIGIOUS MINORITIES:. 7. Rethinking Deschomets v. France: reinforcing the protection of religious liberty through personal autonomy in custody disputes, by Renata Uitz. 8. Mainstreaming religious diversity in a secular and egalitarian state: the road(s) not taken in Leyla Sahin v. Turkey, by Pierre Bosset. 9. Suku Phull v. France rewritten from a procedural justice perspective: taking religious minorities seriously, by Saïla Ouald Chaib. PART IV. SEXUAL MINORITIES:. 10. Rewriting Schalk and Kopf: shifting the locus of deference, by Holning S. Lau. 11. The burden of conjugality, by Aeyal Gross. 12. The public faces of privacy: rewriting Lustig-Prean and Beckett v. the United Kingdom, by Michael Kavey. PART V. DISABILITY:. 13. Unravelling the knot: Article 8, private life, positive duties and disability: rewriting Sentges v. The Netherlands, by Lisa Waddington. 14. Re-thinking Herczegfalvy: the Convention and the control of psychiatric treatment, by Peter Bartlett. 15. Rewriting Kolanis v. the United Kingdom: the right to community integration, by Maris Burbergs. PART VI. CULTURAL MINORITIES:. 16. Minority marriage and discrimination: redrafting Muñoz Díaz v. Spain, by Eduardo J. Ruiz Vieytez. 17. Chapman redux: the European Court of Human Rights and Roma traditional lifestyle, by Julie Ringelheim. 18. Erasing Q, W and X, erasing cultural difference, by Lourdes Peroni.

* barn = children = lapset
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* etniska minoriteter = ethnic minorities = etniset vähemmistöt
* romer = Roma = romanit
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* abort = abortion = abortti
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rätt till familjeliv = right to family life = oikeus perhe-elämään
* prövningsmarginal = margin of appreciation = harkintamarginaali
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* religiösa minoriteter = religious minorities = uskonnolliset vähemmistöt
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* äktenskap mellan personer av samma kön = same-sex marriage = samaa sukupuolta olevien avioliitto
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* ofödda barn = unborn children = syntymättömät lapset
* CPT-Committee = CPT-Committee = CPT-Committee

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Austria / Belgium / Czech Republic / France / Netherlands / Russian Federation / Spain / Turkey / United Kingdom

NOTE (GENERAL): CRPD; ECHR; ICCPR; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; CRC; ECPT; CEDAW;

URL http://www.cambridge.org/fi/knowledge/isbn/item6891363/?site_locale=fi_FI

21. Wiemann, Rebekka : Sexuelle Orientierung im Völker- und Europarecht, 2013


Sexuelle Orientierung im Völker- und Europarecht : zwischen kulturellen Relativimus und Universalismus / Wiemann, Rebekka - (Menschenrechtszentrum der Universität Potsdam ; Bd. 36), 341 p.. - Berlin : BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl.,, 2013.

ISBN 978-3-8305-3121-0


* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* rätt att bilda familj = right to found a family = oikeus perustaa perhe
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus

22. Langford, Malcolm (ed.) : Socio-economic rights in South Africa, 2014


Socio-economic rights in South Africa : symbols or substance? / Langford, Malcolm (ed.) ; Cousins, Ben ; Dugard, Jackie ; Madlingozoi, Tshepo, xiv, 472 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2014.

ISBN 978-1-107-02114-3


ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. 1. Introduction: civil society and rights, by Malcolm Langford. PART I. Context and Contestation:. 2. Constitutional jurisprudence: the first and second waves, by Stuart Wilson and Jackie Dugard. 3. Socio-economic rights beyond the public/private law divide, by Sandra Liebenberg. 4. Post-apartheid social movements and legal mobilisation, by Tshepo Madlingozi. 5. Political power: social pacting, human rights and the development agenda, by Adam Habib. PART II. Thematic Areas:. 6. Rural land tenure: the potential and limits of rights-based approaches, by Ben Cousins and Ruth Hall. 7. Housing rights litigation: Grootboom and beyond, by Malcolm Langford. 8. Health rights: politics, places and the need for 'sites for rights', by Peris Jones and Nyasha Chingore. 9. Social security rights: campaigns and courts, by Beth Goldblatt and Solange Rosa. 10. Urban basic services: rights, reality and resistance, by Jackie Dugard. 11. Realising environmental rights: civic action, leverage, and litigation, by Rachel Wynberg and David Fig. 12. Access to information and socio-economic rights: a theory of change in practice, by Kristina Bentley and Richard Calland. 13. Gender and socio-economic rights: the case of gender-based violence and health, by Liesl Gerntholtz and Jennifer MacLeod. 14. Migrants and mobilisation around socio-economic rights, by Tara Polzer Ngwato and Zaheera Jinnah. 15. Concluding perspectives Malcolm Langford, by Jackie Dugard, Tshepo Madlingozi and Ben Cousins.

* ESK-rättigheter = ESC rights = TSS-oikeudet
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* barn = children = lapset
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* korruption = corruption = korruptio
* kriminalitet = criminality = rikollisuus
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* miljörätt = environmental law = ympäristöoikeus
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* kärnkraft = nuclear power = ydinvoima
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* vräkning = eviction = häätö
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* jordreform = land reform = maareformi
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* fattigdom = poverty = köyhyys
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* socialskydd = social security = sosiaaliturva
* våld = violence = väkivalta
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* hemlösa = homeless persons = kodittomat
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee


URL http://www.cambridge.org/cr/academic/subjects/law/human-rights/socio-economic-rights-south-africa-symbols-or-substance

23. Prior, Tahnee (main author) : Addressing climate vulnerability, 2013


Addressing climate vulnerability : promoting the participatory rights of indigenous peoples and women through Finnish foreign policy / Prior, Tahnee (main author) ; key contributors: Sebastian Duyck, Leena Heinämäki, Timo Koivurova and Adam Stepien - (Juridica Lapponia ; 38), xxxv, 288 p.. - Rovaniemi : University of Lapland, 2013. - ISSN 0783-4144

ISBN 978-952-484-666-0


* klimatförändring = climate change = ilmastomuutos
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* barn = children = lapset
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* utvecklingssamarbete = development co-operation = kehitysyhteistyö
* miljörätt = environmental law = ympäristöoikeus
* rätt till kultur = right to culture = oikeus kulttuuriin
* rätt att deltaga = right to participate = oikeus osallistua
* u-länder = developing countries = kehitysmaat


NOTE (GENERAL): Rio declaration; ICCPR; CEDAW;

URL http://www.doria.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/94664/ClimateVulnerability_FinalReport2013_ArcticCentre_MFA.pdf?sequence=2

24. Ippolito, Francesca (ed.) : Protecting vulnerable groups, 2015


Protecting vulnerable groups : the European human rights framework / Ippolito, Francesca (ed.) ; Iglesias Sanchez, Sara (ed.), xii, 481 p. - Oxford : Hart, 2015.

ISBN 978-1-84946-685-1


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Fransesca Ippolito and Sara Iglesias Sanchez: Introduction. 2. Francesca Ippolito: (De)constructing children's vulnerability under European law. 3. Francesco Seatzu: Reshaping EU old age law in the light of the normative standards in international human rights law in relation to older persons. 4. Anja Wiesbrock: Disability as a form of vulnerability under EU and CoE law: embracing the 'social model'?. 5. Francette Fines: European protection of women. 6. Olivier Dubos and Victor Guset: European law and regional or minority languages: cultural diversity and the fight against linguistic vulnerability. 7. Tawhida Ahmed: The many vulnerabilities of the Roma and the European legal framework. 8. Julinda Beqiraj: Indigenous peoples' cultural identity under EU law and the ECHR: a non-trade interest or a human right?. 9. Erica Howard: The protection of religious minorities in Europe: strengths and weaknesses. 10. Peggy Ducoulombier: The protection of sexual minorities in European law. 11. Caroline Sawyer: The unexpected precariat. 12. Ulrike Brandl and Philip Czech: General and specific vulnerability of protection-seekers in the EU: is there an adequate response to their needs?. 13. Catherine-Amélie Chassin: Dealing with international vulnerability: European law and climate-induced migrants. 14. Alessandra Lang: The protection of vulnerable people and the free movement of persons within the European Union: two worlds apart?. 15. Valsamis Mitsilegas: The place of the victim in Europe's area of criminal justice. 16. Jessica Almqvist: Responding to the plight of victims of terrorism: European approaches and dilemmas. 17. Jacobo Rios Rodriguez: Victims of trafficking and smuggling of migrants in international and European law. 18. Steve Foster: The effective supervision of European prison conditions. 19. Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer: The ultimate social (or is it economic?) vulnerability: poverty in European law. 20. Sara Iglesias Sanchez: Irregular migrants in Europe: deprivation of status as a type of state-imposed vulnerability.

* utsatta grupper = vulnerable groups = riskialttiit ryhmät
* EU = EU = EU
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* barn = children = lapset
* de äldres rätt = rights of elderly = vanhempien ihmisten oikeudet
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* språkliga minoriteter = linguistic minorities = kielivähemmistöt
* romer = Roma = romanit
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* religiösa minoriteter = religious minorities = uskonnolliset vähemmistöt
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* klimatflyktingar = climate refugees = ilmastopakolaiset
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* straffrätt = criminal justice = rikosoikeus
* offrets rättigheter = victim's rights = uhrin oikeudet
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* människosmuggling = human smuggling = ihmisten salakuljetus
* fängelseförhållanden = prison conditions = vankilaolosuhteet
* fattigdom = poverty = köyhyys
* irreguljära invandrare = irregular immigration = laittomat maahanmuuttajat

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; TFEU; European charter for regional or minority languages; EU charter of fundamental rights

25. Namwase, Sylvie (ed.) : Protecting the human rights of sexual minorities in contemporary Africa, 2017


Protecting the human rights of sexual minorities in contemporary Africa / Namwase, Sylvie (ed.) ; Jjuuko, Adrian (ed.), 323 p. - Pretoria : Pretoria University Law Press, 2017.

ISBN 978-1-920538-60-6


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Sylvie Namwase, Adrian Jjuuko and Ivy Nyarango: Sexual minorities' rights in Africa: what does it mean to be human; and who gets to decide?. 2. John Osogo Ambani: A triple heritage of sexuality? Regulation of sexual orientation in Africa in historical perspective. 3. Sylvie Namwase: Culture versus homosexuality: can a right 'from' culture be claimed in Ugandan courts?. 4. Seth Muchuma Wekesa: Decriminalisation of homosexuality in Kenya: the prospects and challenges. 5. Ella Scheepers and Ishtar Lakhani: Somewhere over the rainbow: the continued struggle for the realisation of lesbian and gay rights in South Africa. 6. Busisiwe Deyi: First class constitution, second class citizen: exploring the adoption of third-gender gategory in South Africa. 7. Esau Mandipa: The suppression of sexual minority rights: a case study of Zimbabwe. 8. Roopanand Amar Mahadew and Darsheene Singh Raumnauth: A psycho-legal reflection on issues surrounding the LGBTI community in Mauritius. 9. Emerson Lopes: The legal status of sexual minorities in Mozambique. 10. Lame Charmaine Olebile: The status of LGBTI rights in Botswana and its implications for social justice. 11. Victor Oluwasina Ayeni: Human rights and the criminalisation of same-sex relationships in Nigeria: a critique of the Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act. 12. Azubike Chinwuba Onuora-Oguno: Protecting same-sex rights in Nigeria: case note on Teriah Joseph Ebah v Federal Government of Nigeria. 13. Michel Togue: The status of sexual minority rights in Cameroon. 14. Adrian Jjuuko: The protection and promotion of LGBTI rights in the African regional human rights system: opportunities and challenges.

* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* HBTQ personer = LGBT persons = LHBT-henkilöt
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* rätt till kultur = right to culture = oikeus kulttuuriin
* kön = gender = sukupuoli
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* äktenskap mellan personer av samma kön = same-sex marriage = samaa sukupuolta olevien avioliitto
* homofobi = homophobia = homofobia
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* afrikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Botswana / Cameroon / Kenya / Mauritius / Mozambique / Nigeria / South Africa / Uganda / Zimbabwe

NOTE (MEETINGS): Colloquium on sexual minority rights in Africa, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, December 2014

26. Brems, Eva (ed.) : Children's rights law in the global human rights landscape, 2017


Children's rights law in the global human rights landscape : isolation, inspiration, integration? / Brems, Eva (ed.) ; Desmet, Ellen (ed.) ; Vandenhole, Wouter (ed.), 312 p. - London : Routledge, 2017.

ISBN 978-1-138-63901-0


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Eva Brems, Ellen Desmet and Wouter Vandenhole: Children's rights law and human rights law: analysing present and possible future interactions. PART I: THE BROADER RELEVANCE OF FEATURES OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS LAW. 1. Wouter Vandenhole: Distinctive characteristics of children's human rights law. 2. Helen Stalford: The broader relevance of features of children's rights law: the 'best interests of the child' principle. 3. Laura Lundy and Bronagh Byrne: The four general principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: the potential value of the approach in other areas of human rights law. 4. Roberta Ruggiero, Diana Volonakis and Karl Hanson: The inclusion of 'third parties': the status of parenthood in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. PART II: INSPIRATION FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS FROM CATEGORICAL HUMAN RIGHTS. 5. Eva Brems: Lessons for children's rights from women's rights? Emancipation rights as a distinct category of human rights. 6. Ralph Sandland: Lessons for children's rights from disability rights?. 7. Ellen Desmet: Inspiration for children's rights from indigenous peoples' rights. 8. Ann-Katrin Habbig, Alexander Hoefmans and Paul De Hert: What young and old can learn from each other: cross-fertilization between existing human rights law for children and developing human rights law for older persons. PART III: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN CHILDREN'S RIGHTS LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS LAW IN THEMATIC AREAS. 9. Titia Loenen: Towards an integrated approach to intra-family relations under the CRC and CEDAW: some reflections. 10. Ivana Isailovic: Children's rights and LGBTI persons' rights: some thoughts on their 'integration'. 11. Julie Ryngaert and Wouter Vandenhole: Undocumented migration: integrating the children's rights concept of nuanced vulnerability in human rights law. 12. Eva Lievens: Children's rights and media: imperfect but inspirational. 13. Danielle van Kalmthout: Out of isolation: a claim for explicit attention for children in the movement towards recognition of an environmental right. 14. Gamze Erdem Türkelli: Children's rights in business and human rights: from the sidelines to the centre field?

* barn = children = lapset
* barnets rättigheter = rights of the child = lapsen oikeudet
* barnets bästa = best interest of the child = lapsen etu
* föräldrar = parents = vanhemmat
* föräldrarskap = parenthood = vanhemmuus
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* de äldres rätt = rights of the elderly = vanhempien ihmisten oikeudet
* familj = family = perhe
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* HBTQ personer = LGBT persons = LHBT-henkilöt
* papperslösa personer = undocumented persons = paperittomat henkilöt
* utsatta grupper = vulnerable groups = riskialttiit ryhmät
* rätt till en sund miljö = right to environmental quality = oikeus puhtaaseen ympäristöön
* multinationella bolag = transnational corporations (TNC) = monikansalliset yritykset

