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Findoc: the search term indexes=('den universella granskningen') results in 5 hits

1. Zifcak, Spencer : United Nations reform, 2009


United Nations reform : heading North or South? / Zifcak, Spencer - (Routledge advances in international relations and global politics), xx, 218 p.. - London : Routledge, 2009.

ISBN 978-0-415-47720-8


ABSTRACT: 1. The Grand Vision. 2. The Security Council. 3. The General Assembly. 4. The Human Rights Council. 5. The Use of Force in International Affairs. 6. The Responsibility to Protect. 7. Counter-Terrorism Strategy. 8. Explaining What Happened. 9. The UN’s North-South Divide. 10. Epilogue

* Säkerhetsrådet = Security Council = Turvallisuusneuvosto
* Rådet för mänskliga rättigheter = Human Rights Council = Ihmisoikeusneuvosto (YK)
* användning av maktmedel = use of force = voimakeinojen käyttö
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* NATO-bombning = NATO bombing = NATOn pommitus
* non-intervention = non-intervention = puuttumattomuusperiaate
* nedrustning = disarmament = aseidenriisunta
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* självförsvar = self-defence = itsepuolustus
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
* den universella granskningen = UPR review = yleismaailmallinen määräaikaistarkastelu
* massförstörelsevapen = weapons of mass destruction (WMD) = joukkotuhoaseet
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* nord-syddialogen = north-south dialogue = pohjoinen-etelä keskustelu

NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Declaration on friendly relations; UDHR;

URL http://www.routledge.com/books/United-Nations-Reform-isbn9780415477208

2. O'Flaherty, Michael ... [ed. by] : Human rights diplomacy, 2011


Human rights diplomacy : contemporary perspectives / O'Flaherty, Michael ... [ed. by] - (Nottingham studies on human rights ; vol. 1), xvi, 301 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2011. - ISSN 2211-7342

ISBN 978-90-04-19516-5


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Framework for the Analysis of Human Rights Diplomacy, by George Ulrich. 3. A Short Reflection on Human Rights Diplomacy, by Robert Archer. 4. The Role of Human Rights Ambassadors in Human Rights Diplomacy – Perspectives from Spain, by Silvia Escobar. 5. The Human Rights Diplomacy of Small States, by Éamonn Mac Aodha. 6. The European Union as a Human Rights Actor, by Toby King. 7. Human Rights Diplomacy and the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, by Thomas Hammarberg and Isil Gachet. 8. Human Rights Diplomacy from a UN Perspective: A Complement to Advocacy, by Ibrahim Salama. 9. The United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies as Diplomatic Actors, by Michael O’Flaherty. 10. Human Rights Diplomacy of the UN Secretary-General, by Bertrand Ramcharan. 11. Human Rights Diplomacy of the United Nations Security Council, by Joanna Weschler. 12. Conference Diplomacy and Human Rights, by Zdzislaw Kedzia. 13. Human Rights Diplomacy: The NGO Role, by Peggy Hicks. 14. National Human Rights Institutions as Diplomacy Actors, by Kirsten Roberts. 15. The Relevance of the Multi-Stakeholder Approach and Multi-Track Diplomacy for Human Rights Diplomacy, by Wolfgang Benedek.

* diplomati = diplomacy = diplomatia
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* EU = EU = EU
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* barnsoldater = child soldiers = lapsisotilaat
* klimatförändring = climate change = ilmastomuutos
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* ESK-rättigheter = ESC rights = TSS-oikeudet
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* god förvaltning = good governance = hyvä hallinto
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* barnets rättigheter = rights of the child = lapsen oikeudet
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* rätt till utveckling = right to development = oikeus kehitykseen
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* internationell humanitär rätt = international humanitarian law = kansainvälinen humanitaarinen oikeus
* den universella granskningen = UPR review = yleismaailmallinen määräaikaistarkastelu

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR-19; CAT; CEDAW-OP; Migrant workers convention; ECHR; ICESCR; CERD; Vienna declaration and programme of action;

URL http://www.brill.nl/human-rights-diplomacy-contemporary-perspectives

3. Delas, Oliver (ed.) : Liber amicorum Peter Leuprecht, 2012


Liber amicorum Peter Leuprecht / Delas, Oliver (ed.) ; Leuprecht, Michaela - ( Mondialisation et droit international), xii, 505 p.. - Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2012.

ISBN 978-2-8027-3481-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Articles a.o.: 1. The growing scoietal dimension of our human rights agenda, by Walter Lichem. 2. Walking on non-neutral common ground, by Theo van Boven. 3. Reflections on a remarkable period of eleven years: 1986-1997, by ANdrew Drzemczewski. 4. A speaker-centred approach to linguistic rights: language as a transversal matter in the European framework convention for the protection of national minorities, by Birgitta Busch and Thomas Busch. 5. The European Court of Human Rights as European constitutional court, by Jens Meyer-Ladewig. 6. For Festschrift in honour of Peter Leuprecht, by Thomas Hammarberg. 7. The Special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Human Rights in Cambodia (2000-2005), by Margo Picken. 8. The expansion of international justice, by Antonio Augusto Cancado Trindade. 9. A step to universal abolition of the death penalty: protocol no. 6 to the European convention, by William A. Schabas. 10. "Little bear" or the rejection of refugees in the Global North, by Francois Crepeau & Leanne Holland. 11. Peter Leuprecht and Canada's ratification and implementation of international human rights treaties, by John Scratch. 12. The deans compass, by Noah Weisbord. 13. The rise of the East: a non-Western path?, by Mritiunjoy Mohanty.

* fred och säkerhet = peace and security = rauha ja turvallisuus
* rådet för mänskliga rättigheter = Human Rights Council = ihmisoikeusneuvosto (YK)
* den universella granskningen = UPR review = yleismaailmallinen määräaikaistarkastelu
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan neuvosto
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* språkliga minoriteter = linguistic minorities = kielivähemmistöt
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* ratificering = ratification = ratifiointi
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen

NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; ECHRP-11; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; European charter for regional or minority languages; ECHRP-6; ECHR; Canadian charter of rights and freedoms;

URL http://fr.bruylant.be/titres/125654_0_0/liber-amicorum-peter-leuprecht.html


BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph


REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: International protection of human rights : a textbook / Krause, C.; Scheinin, M. (eds.). - 2. rev.ed.., p. 61-396. - Turku/Åbo : Åbo Akademi University. Institute for Human Rights, 2012.

ISBN 78-952-12-2758-5


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 4. The United Nations and Human Rights, by Hurst Hannum. 5. United Nations Charter-Based Protection of Human Rights, by Andrew Clapham. 6. Civil and Political Rights, by Sir Nigel Rodley. 7. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, by Eibe Riedel. 8. Torture and Enforced Disappearance, by Manfred Nowak. 9. Combating Racial and Related Discrimination, Morten Kjaerum. 10. Combating Discrimination against women, by Simone Cusack and Rebecca J. Cook. 11. Rights of the Child, by Rachel Brett. 12. Disability and Human Rights: A New Field in the United Nations, by Gerard Quinn. 13. The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, by S. James Anaya. 14. Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Migrant Workers, by Jens Vedsted-Hansen. 15. The International Labour Organization and Human Rights, by Lee Swepston. 16. Human Rights, Globalization, Trade and Development, by Sia Spiliopoulou. Ckermark

* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* apartheid = apartheid = rotusorto
* Säkerhetsrådet = Security Council = Turvallisuusneuvosto
* användning av maktmedel = use of force = voimakeinojen käyttö
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* skyldigheten att skydda = responsibility to protect (R2P) = velvollisuus suojella
* högkommissarie för mänskliga rättigheter = HCHR = ihmisoikeusvaltuutettu
* rådet för mänskliga rättigheter = Human Rights Council = ihmisoikeusneuvosto (YK)
* Generalförsamlingen = General Assembly = Yleiskokous
* den universella granskningen = UPR review = yleismaailmallinen määräaikaistarkastelu
* klagomål/besvär = complaints = valitus
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* ESK-rättigheter = ESC rights = TSS-oikeudet
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* ofrivilliga försvinnanden = enforced disappearances = pakotettu katoaminen
* offer = victims = uhrit
* ovillkorliga rättigheter = non-derogable rights = ehdottomat oikeudet
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* gottgörelse = reparation = hyvitys
* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = CAT Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* speciella åtgärder = special measures = erityistoimenpiteet
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* rasåtskillnad = racial segregation = rotuerottelu
* hatpropaganda = hate speech = vihapropaganda
* ESK-rättigheter = ESC rights = TSS-oikeudet
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* barn = children = lapset
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* barnets bästa = best interest of the child = lapsen etu
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* kroppsaga = corporal punishment = ruumiillinen kuritus
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* nationell rätt = national law = kansallinen oikeus
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* gästarbetare = migrant workers = vierastyöläiset
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* rätt till arbete = right to work = oikeus työhön
* respekt för familjeliv = respect for family life = perhe-elämän kunnioittaminen
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* tvångsarbete = forced labour = pakkotyö
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* globalisering = globalisation = globalisaatio
* internationell handel = international trade = kansainvälinen kauppa
* rätt till utveckling = right to development = oikeus kehitykseen
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* rätt till hälsa = right to health = oikeus terveyteen
* utvecklingssamarbete = development co-operation = kehitysyhteistyö
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki

NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UDHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; UN charter-chap. VII; Declaration on friendly relations; CAT; CAT-OP; CEDAW; Convention on enforced disappearances; CERD; CRPD; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); Refugee convention; Migrant workers convention; ECHR;

5. Mason Meier, Benjamin (ed.) : Human rights in global health, 2018


Human rights in global health : rights-based governance for a globalizing world / Mason Meier, Benjamin (ed.) ; Gostin, Lawrence O. (ed.), 585 p. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018.

ISBN 978-0-19-067268-3


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Introduction: responding to the public health harms of a globalizing world through human rights in global governance. 1. Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier: The origins of human rights in global health. 2. Alicia Ely Yamin and Andrés Constantin: The evolution of applying human rights frameworks to health. 3. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Framing human rights in global health governance. 4. Michel Sidibé, Helena Nygren-Krug, Bronwyn McBride and Kent Buse: The future of global governance for health: putting rights at the center of sustainable development. 5. Benjamin Mason Meier and Florian Kastler: Development of human rights through WHO. 6. Rebekah Thomas and Veronica Magar: Mainstreaming human rights across WHO. 7. Flavia Bustreo, Veronica Magar, Rajat Khosla, Marcus Stahlhofer and Rebekah Thomas: The future of human rights in WHO. 8. Benjamin Mason Meier, Mitra Motlagh and Kumanan Rasanathan: The United Nations Children's Fund: implementing human rights for child health. 9. Lee Swepston: The International Labor Organization: human rights to health and safety at work. 10. Audrey R. Chapman and Konstantinos Tararas: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: advancing global health through human rights in education and science. 11. Emilie Filmer-Wilson and Luis Mora: The United Nations Population Fund: an evolving human rights mission and approach to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. 12. Carolin Anthes and Olivier de Schutter: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: advancing the right to food to promote public health. 13. Helena Nygren-Krug: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS: with communities for human rights. 14. Sarah Hawkes, Julia Kreienkamp and Kent Buse: The future of inter-governmental organisation partnerships for health and human rights. 15. Stephen P. Marks: Integrating a human rights-based approach to development and the right to development into global governance for health. 16. Yusra Ribhi Shawar and Jennifer Prah Ruger: The World Bank: contested institutional progress in rights-based health discourse. 17. Suerie Moon and Thirukumaran Balasubramaniam: The World Trade Organization: carving out the right to health to promote access to medicines and tobacco control in the trade arena. 18. Rachel Hammonds and Gorik J. Ooms: National foreign assistance programs: advancing health related human rights through shared obligations for global health. 19. Ralf Jürgens, Joanne Csete, Hyeyoung Lim, Susan Timberlake and Matthew Smith: The global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria: funding basic services and meeting the challenge of rights-based programs. 20. Gorik Ooms and Rachel Hammonds: The future of multilateral funding to realize the right to health. 21. Gillian MacNaughton and Mariah McGill: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: mapping the evolution of the right to health. 22. Thérèse Murphy and Amrei Müller: The United Nations Special Procedures: peopling human rights, peopling global health. 23. Benjamin Mason Meier and Virginia Brás Gomes: Human rights treaty bodies: monitoring, interpreting, and adjudicating health-related human rights. 24. Judith R. Bueno de Mesquite, Connor Fuchs and Dabney P. Evans: The future of human rights accountability for global health through the Universal Periodic Review. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Conclusion: comparative analysis of human rights in global governance for health. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Afterword: governance for global health and human rights in a populist age.

* hälsa = health = terveys
* rätt till hälsa = right to health = oikeus terveyteen
* globalt ledarskap = global governance = globaalihallinto
* internationella organisationer = international organisations = kansainväliset järjestöt
* hållbar utveckling = sustainable development = kestävä kehitys
* barnhälsa = child health = lapsen terveys
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* rätt till föda = right to food = oikeus ravintoon
* rätt till utveckling = right to development = oikeus kehitykseen
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* u-hjälp = development aid = kehitysapu
* utvecklingssamarbete = development co-operation = kehitysyhteistyö
* högkommissarie för mänskliga rättigheter = High Commissioner for Human Rights = ihmisoikeusvaltuutettu
* specialrapportör = special rapporteur = erityisraportoija
* övervakningsorgan = treaty bodies = valvontaelimet
* den universella granskningen = UPR review = yleismaailmallinen määräaikaistarkastelu
* rådet för mänskliga rättigheter = Human Rights Council = ihmisoikeusneuvosto (YK)
* FN = UN = YK
